And worth a pair of chewed-up shoes.
Especially when he crossed to the bed and she once again lunged at him—something he could definitely get behind her forming into a lifelong habit—this time attacking the button on his pants with an enthusiasm that had his ego soaring and his cock swelling almost to the point of pain.
“Off, off, off,” she muttered, as she undid the button and pulled down the zipper.
He helped her shove his jeans and underwear down his thighs. But before he could kick them off, she made this needy, humming sound in the back of her throat that had him going still.
She looked almost demure, innocent, kneeling before him this way, her hands curled into loose fists on her thighs.
Demure, except she was naked, her breasts rising and falling with her swift breaths, her nipples hard points, the skin on her tits and chest pink from his beard.
Innocent, except she was staring at his cock, her gaze hot and bright, the tip of her tongue touching her upper lip.
His cock jumped, liquid pooling at the tip, all on board with what happened next.
Except, it didn’t happen. She didn’t take him in her hand. Didn’t lean forward and swirl her tongue around his head.
His breath caught in his chest. His mouth went dry. Over the past two weeks, he’d learned a million new things about Willow. She was an adventurous and generous lover who didn’t shy away from seeking her own pleasure or letting her wants be known.
But she also liked when he took control.
Taking a hold of his cock, he gave himself a long, slow stroke. “Do you like when I tell you what to do in bed?” he asked quietly.
Her lips parted on a soft exhale, but she didn’t answer. Just stared at his hand on his dick, so he moved it up and down again. And again. Her gaze turned glassy, her breathing coming faster.
“Willow.” When she still didn’t respond, he let go of his cock and gently gripped her chin and tipped her face up to meet his eyes. “Do you like when I tell you what to do?”
She hesitated. Blushed.
Then she nodded.
Adrenaline and arousal rushed through him. “Tell me.”
Yeah, he’d discovered a million new things about her. But they weren’t enough. Greedy bastard that he was, he wanted to know more. He wanted to know everything. To share all the pieces of herself she kept secret from everyone else.
He wanted to be the one she gave those secrets to.
The only one.
And he needed to hear her say it.
Her throat worked as she swallowed. “I like when you tell me what to do in bed,” she whispered.
A secret just for him.
He took a half step back. “Get on the floor.”
Her movements were slow as she straightened and swung her legs around. Sensuous as she stood. Graceful as she lowered to the ground.
Obedient as she resumed her position on her knees, hands against her thighs.
Urban slid his hand around to the nape of her neck. “Open.”
Her gaze flicked to his cock. She licked her lips like she could already taste him.
But her mouth stayed closed.
It was defiance. A way to prove that while she might like him having control over her in bed, he wasn’t taking it.