Reining in his patience, reminding himself he didn’t want to take anything from her she didn’t want to freely give, and that it was her absolute right to change her mind at any point, he forced himself to settle back in the chair.
“Not going to help me bring my fantasy to life after all?” he asked.
“Oh, I am definitely helping you bring that fantasy to life.” She stepped between his legs. “After.”
He narrowed his eyes. “After?”
He wouldn’t put it past her to have a legal contract ready and waiting. One stating that the moment she was done with him, he solemnly swore to go back to the safety of the friend zone, never to venture out again. One she wanted signed and notarized before she let him touch her.
Instead, she shocked the hell out of him by leaning down and kissing him. A soft, sweet kiss that tantalized and teased. But when he set his hands on her waist, tried to deepen the kiss, she pulled back. Smiled at him, a feminine grin full of power and purpose and wicked intent.
“After,” she repeated. “We do one of mine.”
And she dropped to her knees in front of him.
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Urban inhaled sharply. He started this whole thing to push Willow. To prove he wasn’t some itch she could scratch a few times then walk away from without a second thought.
But with her kneeling before him—another of his fantasies—he had the feeling that when all was said and done, he was going to be the one taught a lesson.
He just hoped he survived it.
“By all means,” he said, not bothering to hide the desire in his voice. He wanted her to hear it. Wanted her to see what she did to him. Hoped that being honest with her, by not holding back, it’d make her feel safe enough to do the same. “Ladies first.”
“I thought you might agree. And since you’re in such an agreeable mood, there’s one more thing you can do for me.”
Reaching down, he slid his hands into the silk of her hair. Cupped her face and tipped it up so he could look into her eyes. “Anything,” he whispered. “Everything.”
Anything she wanted. Everything he was.
She dropped her gaze, but not before he saw the emotion swimming there. Felt the warm flush rise in her throat and into her cheeks.
Sensed her pulling away, distancing herself emotionally, even as she edged closer, her fingers circling his wrists, her elbows resting on his knees.
Tugging his hands from her, she set them on the armrests. Curled his fingers around the curved ends.
Then met his gaze. “Stay.”
His breath locked in his chest. His cock twitched, hardening even more.
The same thing he said to her last night when he’d stretched her arms overhead so he could feast on her soft skin and slight curves. Absorb every tremble. Capture every sound.
He’d wanted to worship her.
He’d wanted her at his mercy, begging him for more.
She hadn’t.
But he had a feeling he would be.
He nodded, tightening his grip on the armrests and doing what she asked.