And, as usual, he’s right.
Where there’s a will, a psychopath, and the net worth of a mid-size European country, there’s a way.
There’s always a way.
Visions of her in a white dress give way to a night of her on her knees, and I groan in actual need. Raw, unrelenting, visceral pain.
Half the time, I struggle just to breathe under the weight of my own skin, and the woman is pure oxygen.
And the thought of losing her? Fuck, hacking off both legs at the knees and hobbling around on stumps would be less excruciating.
I sprint through several options and blow out a reflective breath. The weight of four paws hops up on my lap. His persistence would almost be admirable, in the way one admires Kamikaze bombers.
Where’s the Wicked Witch of the West? I’ve got a dog she might be interested in.
I pinch the bridge of my nose, eyes still closed. “Look, Toto, I don’t care how attached Kennedy is to you. Get off my lap before I have you made into smoking slippers.”
He doesn’t budge.
Then he paws at my shirt. My silk shirt. I’m two seconds from stuffing him into the overhead bin when I open my eyes.
What the...
In his mouth is my phone. Gingerly, he sets it on my lap. A message lights up the cracked light of the screen, and I’m glad it’s not from Uncle Fuckface or his sidekick.
It’s from the only person who somehow always melts my pain to tolerable.
I thought I was your favorite sister.
The corners of my lips lift to a smile.
You’re my only sister.
Favorite is implied.
Since when do you have a dog?
And why am I the last to know?
And you named her Truffles???
She follows it with a string of heart emojis, which pretty much solidifies it. “Good news, dog. You get to live.”
He blinks, utterly clueless.
I narrow my gaze at said dog as the phone rings. A video request. “What kind of name is Truffles?” I ask, disgusted, flipping his ear. “You’re a dude. Have some respect,” I say as if he had any choice in the matter.
I let the phone ring twice more before I answer, fluffing Truffle’s fur just so. As soon as I do, Trinity’s squeal is so loud I’m now permanently deaf in one ear.