“Clothing optional,” he says, his lips twitching the slightest bit.
My mind completely fails to pick up what he’s putting down ... in more ways than one. “When you say clothing optional, do you mean—”
“Nudists. Skinny-dippers. Streakers. Birthday suiters. Flashers,” he deadpans, his brow knit in confusion. “I’m pretty sure I said this was a nakation.”
You sure as hell did not.
Coop rolls me over, lifting himself to stretch as he stands, and I can’t take my eyes off his cock. Or stop wondering how the hell I’m going to cover it up. Holding my hand, he leads me through the dimly lit room.
Stay calm, I tell myself. I’m hardly shy, and I’ve been on enough vacations throughout Europe that the thought of a topless beach doesn’t faze me.
But Evie would see Coop. And Coop would see Evie. And I’d see Evie. Sure, we’re both women, but it’s been a millennium since we’ve been in a locker room together. And absolutely everyone would see me.
Keeping my breathing calm and steady while sheer panic courses through me, I’m quickly coming to terms with not being okay with this.
“Coop,” I say shyly, “I’m—”
Before I can finish, he pulls me against him and cups my cheek. His kiss reminds me how much I want to do just about anything for this man.
Scratch that. I’m determined. I will do anything for him.
What are a few scraps of clothing anyway? The human body is something to be proud of. We should all be unafraid to show off what the good Lord blessed us with. The human body, in its purest form, is just skin. Right? And butts. And breasts. And nipples. And Coop’s dick that practically dangles to his knees.
God, what’s dinner going to be like?
“Margot,” he whispers against my lips, and I know I can’t let him down.
“Hmm,” is the only semblance of a word that will come out, my nerves getting the better of me.
“Are you ready to go through with this?”
I can only nod.
“Well ...” His light chuckle grows to a belly laugh. “I’m totally jerking your chain. This door goes to my room. And I’m pretty sure your suitcase is already there. I caught Austin moving our stuff in the house while he was waiting on Evie.”
Despite my own giggles, I have to smack Coop playfully on the chest before he pulls me in for another kiss.
Sternly, I glare. “For the record, I was ready to show off all my worldly goods for you.”
“I know,” he says proudly, pecking at my lips until they form a smile. “It’s one of the things I love about you.”
A flutter builds in my stomach. Sure, Coop didn’t exactly say he loves me. But the words I and love and you were all in the same sentence, and I continue beaming for no reason at all.
Still, when he presses another kiss on my lips, I kiss him back wild and hard, already eager for dinner to be over.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
I’ve been up since five a.m., and as usual, I’m wide awake. Not so usual is the woman in my bed at this hour. Don’t get me wrong, plenty of women have been in my bed ... and at this hour. But not in this bed.
Propped up on an elbow, I stare down at Margot, carefully watching her deep breaths in and out as she sleeps, so relaxed and more beautiful than I’ve seen her yet.
I doubt she has the faintest clue that I’m stark raving mad about her. She’s like no woman I’ve ever known. Smart. And a smartass. Speaking of her ass ...
My memory burns through the blanket, and I can see every line and curve of her body, even with her curled beneath the covers.
I know I caught her off-guard when I used a word like love in a sentence, but I had to throw it out there. I’d like to blame my bravado on her temptress body, but the truth is, I wanted to see her reaction. I had to know. Because I can count at least a dozen times I’ve nearly said it. To her face. With my fucking outside voice.