Page 32 of Ruthless Wars

“See this city? It’s our playground. And like a glorious giant Texas sandbox, we helped build some of these companies, brick by brick. We made sure the rising tide carried all boats as high as possible. Dad always said what’s good for one of us is good for all of us, and he wasn’t talking about you and me. He was talking about this. The local economy. Jobs. People. The heartbeat of our country. And maybe it’s time to expand our horizons. Bringing in some new blood might help us raise the bar even higher.”

My head falls lightly against Jaclyn’s as I savor the moment of the two of us on top of the world. I ignore the vibration of my phone, enjoying the last moments of our precious sister bonding.

After the third string of buzzes in a row, I give Jaclyn a final squeeze before holding the phone in front of us both. I read the text that just came in, which might as well have been a smart-aleck smack across the ass. Despite Jaclyn’s squelched chuckle, I’m far from amused.

Fuming, I huff. “This means war.”

Chapter Nineteen


Storming from the building, I push out the door, laser focused on getting the hell out of there. I’m mad with desperation to forget Margot and her long legs ... and luscious breasts. Every time I see her mouth, my body reacts like my cock is in it all over again.


Frustrated, I rake my fingers through my hair, trying to figure out what the hell I’m doing. The woman has me so turned around, I don’t even know which way is up.

For a minute, I fiddle with my phone. A click away from ordering a Lyft, I pause as a car pulls to the curb beside me. The pitch-black tinted window rolls down.

“Get in, Coop.”

When I look up, an immediate “fuck me” flies out of my mouth.

“Now, Coop.”

“Fine,” I shout to the air before getting into the dark Aston Martin.

I’m barely buckled in before the car zooms away from the building, going from zero to shitting-my-pants in seconds.

“For fuck’s sake, will you slow down?” By this point, I’m pleading as my fingers brace against the dashboard.

Speed is my best friend ... when I’m driving. Today, she’s a two-timing hussy sending my pucker factor through the goddamn roof. Add to that I have no idea where we’re going, except that the city is now eating our dust.

“What’s wrong, Coop?” Richard grins at me, brimming with enjoyment at my obvious discomfort as we leave the skyscrapers behind and zip alongside miles of fields. “Worried I might do something ... rash?”

Whipping the wheel to a hard left, Richard flies onto a dirt road at well over a hundred miles per hour. The isolated field he’s off-roaded through at least means a quick death and definitely not a daring feat into gender-reassignment surgery.

“The deal was off, Coop. You want to tell me why you’re fucking with Long Multinational? And my girl?”

“Uh ...” I stall, honestly shocked until realization hits me. Holy shit! “Richard, I swear to God, I’ve never, ever, made a move on a woman tied to another man.” Swallowing hard, I do my best to catch my breath as the car rolls to a stop.

Richard shifts the car into park but doesn’t cut the engine, no doubt to keep the air-conditioning running so neither of us breaks a sweat. Or to prevent any wandering cows from hearing my screams.

With a dangerously casual glare, Richard lowers his sunglasses. “Say that again.”

“I didn’t know Margot was your girl. Look, it’s over. Done. I’ll never see her again.”

The smile that spreads across Richard’s face sends a lump to my throat. I swallow hard so I can fucking breathe.

“Let me get this straight,” he says slowly. “You and Margot?”

“Never ag—”

Richard lifts his palm. “You, the player of all players. And Margot the maneater?”

The belly laugh that follows is unnerving. And confusing.

“Let’s begin again,” he says, still chuckling. “I love Margot.”