Page 45 of Ruthless Wars

I turn away, staring out into the darkness. His hand wraps around mine, and I hope his questions end there.

After a contemplative moment, he blows out a slow breath. “Look, there’s something on my mind, and I’m not sure how to broach the subject.”

Nervous about where this is going, I stay quiet.

“We don’t really know each other. But I want to know more.”

“Like what?” I turn to face him, crossing one leg over the other, and my thigh peeks out from below his jacket. The heat of his hand instantly covers it.

“Okay. Once a year, we have a family gathering. But this year, my brother and sister are deployed, my mother's helping my aunt through hip replacement, and it's just Alli, my cousin Austin, and me. We agreed to go anyway. It’s this weekend. I really need to go because I'm already on Austin's shit list, and now I've got the impending cardiac arrest of Alli most likely bringing Gabe. But—”

“But what?”

“But after tonight, the thought of spending two days without you is driving me out of my fucking mind. I know you might have plans—”

“No,” I say quickly, settled in my decision.

“No? You don’t have plans?”

“No. I don’t have plans. And no, I’m not letting you get out of your commitment to Alli and Austin, and your sweet, paternal need to stave off Gabe.”

“You know that only leaves me with one option.”

“Yes. And yes.”

His hand swallows mine. “You sure?”

“Coop,” I say, lacing my fingers through his. “When I drove off a year ago, I kept wondering what would’ve happened if I’d stayed. And I wanted to, but I couldn’t then. This time, I can.” I squeeze his hand. “I don’t want to spend any more time wondering about you. Or us. And if you’re comfortable having me crash in on your time, then I’m there. So, where are we going?”

“Big Sur. Hiking. The ocean. Fresh air. No electronics. Just a time to unplug with food, fun, and watching me spank everyone on game night.”

“So, I’m not the only one you spank?”

“Well, all I know is that if Evie weren’t in the back seat, I’d be pulling over and we’d be back there. Where the hell is her house?”

“Not much farther,” Evie says cheerfully from the backseat, making me startle. “So, when are we all going to Big Sur?” The smartass tone of her question is offset by its insistence.

“Oh God.” I drop my head into my hands for a second as I breathe through this.

Coop shoots me an alarmed glance. “I thought you said she was asleep.”

“Apparently, her tolerance for booze has jumped by leaps and bounds.” I whip my head around, only to find Evie completely delighted with her terms being so readily accepted. “Evie, doesn’t your fiancé want you around this weekend?”

“Nope.” She gives me a huge grin, absurdly pleased with herself for crashing the party. “He’s got Eastern Bloc business that requires him to be there in person. I need to unplug too, after covering for the two of you and playing Cupid with Alli and Gabe.”

Dropping her shoulders and bringing her argument to a full whine, Evie says, “You know if you say no, I’ll hunt you down and probably interrupt your most intimate and embarrassing moments. Just bring me like another piece of luggage. You won’t even know I’m there.”

“Why do I seriously doubt that?” Regretful, I bat my best I’m sorry eyes at Coop.

Undeterred, he smiles back, waving away my concerns. “Here’s the deal. It’s a huge place and there’s plenty of room in the jet. But I want some stress-free time with Margot, and I can’t have that if I’m worried about Alli. So, if you go, Evie, you’ll have to earn your way by keeping an eye on Gabe, who I have no doubt will be joining the festivities too.”

“You’ve got it. Operation Cock Block is in full swing.”

Coop nods with a satisfied grin, seemingly content at the turn of events.

“See,” he says, taking my hand to his lips for a light, frisky kiss. “Now everyone’s needs will be met.”

I ease back in my seat. “And that’s what I consider a binding contract.”