Her eyes glowed as she nodded and said, “Yes, it was.”
“Can you describe this curse?”
“Yes. Nalla had powers. She was a doctor who could heal people. She talked to spirits and could tell fortunes. After she sacrificed the man called Monk she spread his blood in the sand and said any white man who came onto the island would die a horrible death.”
“And you believe this to be true?”
“I know it’s true.”
“How do you know it’s true?”
Lovely glared at him for a long time as everyone strained to hear what she was about to say. She leaned an inch closer to the mike and said, “I know the spirits. I know when someone has gone onto the island.”
Monty offered a proud smile, as if he had finally cracked the witness and discredited her. “But you were on the island three weeks ago, with the archaeologists, right?”
“That’s right.”
“Some were white, some were black. Correct?”
“That’s right.”
“And no one was killed or injured, no one died, correct?”
“That’s right.”
“What happened to the curse?”
“I was there and I lifted it.”
“So you have that power?”
“I do.”
“Is the curse still lifted, or is it back on the island?”
“I’m not sure. Why don’t you go find out?”
The laughter was instant, loud, and contagious. Not a single person tried not to laugh. Judge Burch covered his mike with his hand and enjoyed the moment. All the lawyers were amused. Some of the spectators practically howled. Even Monty couldn’t help but appreciate the humor.
Judge Burch finally tapped his gavel and said, “Okay, okay. Let’s have some order. Continue, Mr. Martin.”
Monty was still chuckling when he said, “I’ll pass, but thank you.” He stopped smiling and asked, “Now, before your visit, when was the last time the curse of Dark Isle claimed a victim?”
“Last spring, about a year ago.” Her matter-of-factness slowed Monty for a second.
He sized her up, or tried to, and asked, “Okay, what happened?”
“Four men went to the island. All four were dead within a week.”
“Four white men?”
“That’s right.”
“Do you know their names?”
“Okay. What were they doing there?”