Page 37 of Camino Ghosts

Her phone was ringing on the porch. She was expecting a call from Thomas but instead got one from Bruce Cable. “Hello, dear,” he began in his usual hyper, chipper way. “When did you get on the island?”

“Yesterday, Bruce, and how are you?”

“Swell. Books are selling. Someone saw your car in the driveway. Guess you drove down.”

She was always amazed at how little he missed on the island. He had spies everywhere. “Yes, got in last night.”

“How’s Thomas?”

“He’s not here.”

“Left him already?”

“He’s in Australia these days, on assignment for The Atlantic.”

“Awesome. Finally got the boy to work. Look, Noelle’s up for a light dinner, on the early side. Just the three of us. Catch up on the gossip, you know.”

“I’m sorry, Bruce, but I’m tucking in. Got a good book. Give me a rain check.”

A long pause on the other end, because no one said no to dinner with Bruce and Noelle. “Okay. Fair enough. See you tomorrow.”


The following morning at ten, the team gathered at Bay Books and enjoyed doughnuts and coffee in Bruce’s office. Lovely was adorned in her usual African splendor—an orange robe, matching turban, with an assortment of bangles and baubles rattling whenever she took a sip of coffee. As always, Miss Naomi was by her side. Steven Mahon flipped through paperwork as they listened to Bruce talk about an upcoming autograph party for a hot new mystery writer. After a few minutes of greetings and chitchat, Bruce left his office and closed the door.

Steven held a document and said, “This is fairly straightforward.” He looked at Lovely. “It’s called a ‘collaboration agreement’ between you and Mercer that gives her and her publisher the exclusive right to your story. For your cooperation you are to receive twenty-five percent of the total advance, minus the agent’s commission.”

Lovely smiled and said, “I’ve read it. Looks good to me. When do I get a check?”

Mercer smiled and slid another document across the table to Steven, who examined it and removed a check. “Right now. The contract with Viking provides one hundred thousand dollars upon signing, which Mercer has already done, and one hundred thousand upon delivery of the manuscript, which I understand has not been done.”

Mercer laughed and said, “I haven’t finished the first chapter.” Everyone enjoyed the moment.

Steven continued, “And a final payment of fifty thousand upon hardback publication, whenever that might be. So, here’s a check for twenty-one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars.”

He handed it to Lovely who took it gently and smiled. After a thorough examination, she held it so Miss Naomi could have a look. She approved too.

Miss Lovely said, “I’m going to use this to fix up the island, you know. I think I’ll start with the cemetery where my people are buried. What do you think about that, Steven?”

“I think you should wait until this lawsuit is over. As I have explained, there is always the chance that we might lose, and if so the entire island will be changed completely.”

She was shaking her head. “That’s not going to happen.”

“No, I don’t think so either, but let’s go slow.”

“All right, all right. Do you want some more money?”

Steven chuckled at this and shook his head. “No, Lovely, you’ve paid me a five-dollar retainer and that’s what we agreed on. I’m paid through my nonprofit.”

Mercer said, “I’m making a donation to your foundation, Steven.”

“Well, thanks.”

“I’ll make one too then,” Lovely said. “How much do I give?”

Steven held up his hands and said, “Let’s postpone that too. We can talk about it later. There is another money matter we need to discuss. Mercer, this is confidential, for now anyway, and I’m not sure I want it written about.”

“Shall I leave the room?”