This time, his movements were slower. He slapped my ass lightly, sending shivers through my senses. Just as I thought he was done, he pushed my head back down to the bed and traced gentle lines over my back with his fingers before slapping my rear again.
“Baby,” I whispered over my shoulder. “Ride me hard, fuck me, baby.”
Ashan leaned forward and grabbed hold of my hair. As he carefully pulled my head up, he rammed into me. Exhaling hard, I pleaded for more. “Don’t stop, baby, come on, give it to me.”
He slapped my ass harder this time before taking hold of my hips and pumping me. His breathing was jiggered as he moved quicker and quicker. After a couple of wild drives into me, I felt him straighten up as he held me tightly against him for a second.
I felt my pussy pumping hot sticky liquid out over his balls. My mind felt like it was melting, my body trembled, and I climaxed.
Moving slowly twice more, I felt Ashan cum in me. He moaned between slow breaths. I felt his grip on my hips loosen, and he moved backward off the bed. Sliding forward, I allowed myself to lay back down as my breathing recovered. Turning, Ashan was standing by the foot-end of the bed, staring at me.
“You’re amazing,” he said softly as he held out his hand to me.
Giving him my hand, he pulled me up into his arms. Our bodies were sweaty, and we kind of stuck to each other as we kissed. Ashan picked me up and carried me to the shower. Once we had bathed and dressed, I pulled the sheets from the bed while he collected a fresh set.
Ashan held me in his warm embrace as we fell asleep.
Chapter 20 - Ashan
Some time during the night I must have turned as I was staring at the wall. Rolling over I placed a tender kiss on Jamie’s cheek. Her eyes fluttered open as she turned her head and looked at me. “Morning hun, did you sleep well?” I asked stroking her cheek.
Beaming she nodded. “I was thinking, a quick shower before I headed to my office and once I was done with the morning checks and emails, we could grab breakfast?”
Jamie slid out of bed and headed for the bathroom without a word. I followed grinning. Watching her walk before me I felt a warm glow filling me. She was the most beautiful woman and being pregnant suited her. Yet, I felt saying that to her would most likely be offensive so I kept it to myself.
Once we finished showering, I headed down for my morning check. Jamie said she would meet me downstairs for breakfast. Once I was done with the check-in, I went to my office and called the doctor. He confirmed that sex was actually a good thing during pregnancy. Feeling more at ease, I continued with my emails.
Jamie entered my office about an hour later as I was finishing my emails and ready to join her downstairs. She was dressed in one of the dancer's outfits. “Oh my,” I huffed at her as she placed a cup of coffee down before me. “May I ask what you been up to, or where you are going?” I said, slapping her behind.
Jamie walked back to the door in the glittering black gown. It fit her like it was part of her skin. Her breasts notably displayed some cleavage as they struggled to stay within the confines of the skimpy top.
Her legs exploded out of the dress with each step as they peeked through the slits on the sides. She walked out and glanced back as she was pulling the door closed. “If you can find me, well, let’s see, what’s on the menu” She whispered, licking her luscious lips before disappearing.
I was instantly aroused. My veins filled with burning lava. She was turning sex into a game, and my desire for her overtook me. Taking a sip of coffee, I rose from my table, wobbly on my legs as desire flooded me. I liked the idea of looking for her, of hunting her.
Dressed like that, I felt sure she would be upstairs in one of the private rooms. Wiping the sweat unexpectedly forming on my brow, I hoped no one else saw her out in the halls dressed like that. Yet, it was still early and most of the workers hadn’t even arrived.
As I moved from one room to another without luck, I had to rethink her clothing. I had to try and figure out where Jamie could be hiding. I returned to my office and considered all the rooms and areas the den offered. I checked my office and noticed the passage door was slightly ajar. I was sure it was closed earlier.
Yes, of course, why didn’t I look there first, I thought, entering the passage and locking the door behind me. She wouldn’t be walking around outside dressed like that. Walking down the passage, I heard soft music playing. Following the music, I found a note pasted to a glass of whiskey in the conference room.
Picking the glass up, I pulled the note free and took a big sip, feeling my mouth suddenly dry. ‘Turning, turning, washing and drying, where am I,’ the note read. Pushing my hand through my hair, I considered her words. Yes, I spoke to the walls as I turned and headed out. It was Wednesday, and the laundry staff didn’t come in today, so the place would be empty.
Hurriedly, I walked down to the laundry room. Pushing the door open, I grinned as I found her. Jamie was seated on one of the large industrial washers. She beamed as I entered, closing the door behind me. “It took you a while,” she said in a silky-smooth tone.
She sat with her legs open, the middle piece of the dress hanging down between them, exposing her soft legs on both sides. Walking briskly to her, I felt my dick coming to life.
Swallowing hard, I replied. “Yes, I was misled for a moment.”
Jamie giggled as she grabbed my tie when I was within reach and pulled me close. Her kiss was heated and penetrating as she loosened my tie and unbuttoned my shirt. Her hands traveled down my chest, sparking all my senses as if they were filled with lighting. As she worked at my belt and pants, I pushed my hands up the sides of the dress, intending to rid her of any underwear.
Reaching her hips, I felt no fabric there; she wasn’t wearing any undergarments. My heart did a flip as blood rushed through it and streamed south to my dick. My pants dropped to the floor, pulling my underwear with it as Jamie pushed it over my throbbing dick and down my hips.
She leaned back on the washed and placed her feet on the edges as she whispered. “What you waiting for, an invitation?”
Taking hold of the cloth draped between her legs, I lifted it, revealing her light pink rose. Placing the centerpiece of the dress to her side I bent down and licked her pussy. She was drenched, her sweet-salty moisture kissed my lips like the early morning breeze coming in over the ocean and lapping at the beach.
“Oh, baby,” Jamie moaned, letting her head fall backward between her shoulder blades. “I crave for more of you.”