The chef smiled wide at me as he spoke. “Congratulations.” I smiled back at him and shook my head. “Well, we must have fruit, yogurt, vegetables, protein, and whole grains. What do you enjoy most?”
Thinking it over, I felt Ashan squeezing my hand. “I love mango, papaya, and cherries.” The chef made notes in a small book he carried around in his shirt pocket as I spoke. “For my vegetables, I will have pumpkin, potato, and cauliflower.”
“I would suggest we add broccoli, cabbage, and spinach to that list if you don’t mind?” Chef asked.
Glancing down, I nodded but didn’t love the idea. Vegetables weren’t one of my favorite things, but I knew I had to get some in.
“Right then,” the chef said as he rose. “For meats, we’ll stick to mostly white meats such as fish and poultry.”
Ashan stood and walked to the door with him. “Thank you,” he added before closing the door behind the chef.
He called and arranged for a personal trainer for my exercise routines. It was all so surreal, and I had to pinch myself a couple of times to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. This cold man actually had a heart which was warming, I thought as he moved back toward me.
Ashan sat back down but this time before me and not next to me. “Hun,” he said, taking my hands in his. “I am very excited, but I want you to be comfortable and taken care of. If there is anything you want, just let me know, okay?”
His eyes softened as he spoke and I could see he cared deeply. “Additionally, you will have two more guards at your disposal. If there is anything, you just ask them.” Ashan assured me they would always be around if I needed help.
“I have arranged with Cleo to be by your side when I am busy.” He added, leaning forward and giving me a tender kiss on the cheek.
We met with the personal trainer just before supper time and he would be back in the morning to get started. We would have three sessions a week, one for dancing, one for yoga, and another for pilates. Every other day I would stick to swimming.
I felt tired just thinking about it but knew it was important for both me and the baby. Once again Ashan didn’t come to bed, but when I opened my eyes the next morning, Cleo was there waiting with my vitamins and breakfast.
Cleo became my left hand over the next three weeks. She was there when I opened my eyes and, most of the time, also the last person I saw before bedtime. Ashan was gentle, caring, and understanding moving forward and I felt sure that with each passing day, he became softer and more caring.
Most of my nausea had dissipated and I was feeling quite well as I got dressed for our doctor’s appointment. It has now been eight weeks and the doctor insisted we come in once a month for now.
As I ascended the stairs, I saw Ashan waiting for me in the lobby. “Good morning hun,” he said, taking my hand and kissing my cheek. “How did you sleep?”
Smiling up at him I nodded, “Good, thanks and you?”
“Always good, but you know that.” He mumbled as we headed out to the car. The trip to the doctor’s office went quickly. Today would be our first sonar to see and hear the baby. Entering the enormous dark grey building that held the offices, I beamed at Ashan as he took my hand. It was an exciting day.
From the reception desk you could see three doors to the back but from the bright sign stuck to the desk, I noted that there had to be more as there were five names on it. The the right of the desk was a sign haning from the roof that read ‘Doctor’s Offices’. To our left the sign hanging read ‘Xray, Sonar, Ultrasound, and Pharmacy’.
The elderly lady behind the large half-moon desk smiled as we came to stand before her. “Your first time, dear?” she inquired, handing Ashan a clipboard with papers and a pen.
Filled with excitement and fear at the same time, I battled finding words so I just shook my head and smiled at her. “Good for you, such young love is incredible.” She added.
Ashan handed her the board back, having completed the documents and we took a seat waiting to see the doctor.
“You’ve been quite busy the last three weeks,” I commented while we waited.
Ashan squeezed my hand again as he lifted and kissed my fingers. “I was, yes,” he said. Taking a deep breath he continued. “I wasn’t sure if you wanted space but felt you might need it?”
I was completely surprised by the sudden change but enjoyed it. I had little to no worries in the world and spent my days doing whatever I wanted. Cleo and I became good friends as I learned more about her life and her dreams. We both found it a bit odd that I had not met any of Ashan’s other family. It almost felt like he didn’t want them close to me.
It wasn’t an issue, though, as I would most likely not even know what to do with so many people fussing over me and the baby. I liked having space and not caring about other people’s impressions of me or their needs.
But after a while, the space became lonely. Spending my days with basically only Cleo around and two guards following me wasn’t enough anymore.
“Yes, I did, and do,” I mumbled, looking down at our entwined fingers. “But, I would also like to spend some more time with you.”
Hearing our names being called we looked up. A nurse in blue and white uniform stood under the sign that lead to the doctor’s offices and was calling for us. Rising and moving forward I felt Ashan pulling me back. “I’ll do better,” he said before walking toward the nurse.
Entering the office my nose tickled from the smell of eucalyptus oil. The doctor wore a white coat and was seated behind his desk. He stood and walked over to us as holding out his hand to Ashan.
“Please, don’t sit, come with me.” He said, walking out the door. We followed him down the hall and through a short passage to another room. Opening the door, he stepped aside as he spoke. “Please come in and Jamie, you can take a seat on the bed for us.”