I nodded, “Noted, thanks, Luder, you drive safe, and send Skyler my love. We’ll get together soon so everyone else can also meet Jamie.”
He waved before pulling the door closed behind him. After checking on operations throughout the den, I headed to the suite, eager to see if Jamie was okay. Once again, I had some explaining to do, I thought as I pushed the door open. Jamie seemed to already be sleeping when I got there.
Not wanting to disturb her, I decided we could talk in the morning. I quickly showered and moved cautiously as I joined her in the bed. I lay on one side briefly, then turned on the other. It was some time before I fell asleep as my mind replayed the last week and all that had happened in a loop.
Frustrated at myself, I considered getting up again. Turning over again, I lay watching her sleep. She was a vision, and sometime later, as I counted every movement of her chest, I drifted off.
I woke before her and ordered some breakfast and coffee for us. After taking a quick shower, I opened the door and waited for our food. Once it arrived, I quietly moved it into the room. I poured myself a cup of coffee and sat on the couch watching her.
Jamie looked like an angel lying there so calm and at peace. After what felt like an eternity but was more like five minutes, she moved. Turning to her back, she stretched out her arms and fluttered her eyes. I filled with a warmth inside as she turned and smiled softly at me.
She was safe here and she no longer appeared to be upset with me. As she pulled the sheets to one side and lowered her legs out of the bed, sitting up, I held out a cup of coffee for her. Jamie took the cup from me, closed her eyes as she brought it up to her lips and breathed in slowly.
Opening her eyes, she beamed at me. “Thank you,” she said softly.
“No problem, hun,” I replied, sitting back. “So, I was thinking,” I started but she interrupted before I could continue.
“You,” Jamie giggled as she spoke. “You were thinking. Well, that must be a first, I suppose.”
Grinning at her, I reconned that I deserved that. I had been out of control the last week and a half. Lowering my head I spoke out. “I’m sorry Jamie, yes, I’ve been a bit hardheaded and difficult.”
Looking up at her, I noticed her sparkle had returned as she responded while rubbing her chin and looking up. “Hardheaded and difficult aren’t the words I would have used but okay.”
“Tell me something about you?” I asked sipping some coffee before pulling the trolley in between us and opening the plates. “You hungry?”
Jamie’s smile lit up the room as she moved closer and picked up the croissant. “It’s not even Friday yet?” she said as she took a bite.
“No, but a little birdie told me you like these.” I watched her close her eyes as she chewed, completely absorbed in the taste.
“Well, what would you like to know?” Jamie inquired after swallowing.
“Anything you are comfortable sharing with me, I want to know you.”
She sat a while in silence enjoying her breakfast and I waited patiently. Once she had finished the croissant, she glanced at me and then flopped back on the bed.
“Before all this,” she said, waving her hands in the air in a circle. “I had hoped to someday work for a computer company, to learn more and teach young minds.” Jamie sat back up looking at me. “And you?”
This was a bit unexpected, and I was caught off guard. “Well,” I said, trying to consider my reply. “I plan on building a gambling empire someday and hope to make my family proud.”
Jamie smiled at me as she nodded. “What do you generally do for fun, in your off time, if I can call it that?” I asked, leaning forward.
“I used to play some online games, surf the net and so on. Nothing too exciting but since I got here, I noticed, I love swimming and chatting with the staff.” She grinned as she spoke of her old and new life.
This was a side of her I had not seen. She spoke with passion as we talked more about activities and people. After a while, I left for my morning checks. Jamie was going to get dressed and meet me for lunch.
I considered showing her around town afterwards and maybe taking her out. The rest of the day went smooth, and she appeared to have a good time. Returning to the den, I was notified of issues in the top floor restaurant.
Jamie went ahead back to the suite as I attended to what was needed. By the time I got back to the room she was sleeping. Not wanting to wake her, I carefully crawled into bed and fell asleep.
Over the course of the next four weeks, we spent less and less time together. The den was a hive of activities and clients which was leaving me with little time spare. Jamie didn’t seem to mind as her friendship with Cleo tightened.
It has been four weeks since the incident with Pedro and Jamie had settled nicely. Things at the den had also started calming and I had more time to spend with her again.
Luder and Leo had been on me to introduce her to the family, but I didn’t think she was quite ready. I decided I would take her out and ask her about it over dinner. We arrived a bit early, but our table was ready.
On our way home, I popped the question. “Jamie, Leo and Luder asked if you wanted to meet the family?”
Glancing at me, she smiled. “Maybe, I’m not sure, what do you think?”