Page 21 of Used By the Bratva

About a block down, I ran full speed into a man coming out of another club. We tumbled to the ground and heard the men calling out as they came closer. Scampering to my feet, I saw the man I had run into who caused me to tumble was Pedro.

He held out his hand as he spoke. “Come on, let’s get out of here; my cars waiting.”

There was no time to think or consider the consequences; I didn’t even wonder why he would be in the area. I took his hand, and he pulled me up. His Chevy was idling next to us. I got in and locked the door as he ran around and got in behind the wheel.

Pedro pulled out as the first shots filled the air, and we sped away. Out of breath but not out of danger, as I realized he was the last person on earth I wanted to be close to. I tried to thank him and ask him to stop. But my words wouldn’t form properly as I battled to catch my breath.

He drove around up and down streets through different territories for a while before eventually pulling into a dark alley between two warehouses. Now that I was finally calm enough, I spoke. “Thanks, Pedro.”

He nodded and gave me a grin as he got out. “I heard you left and was out looking for you. I am glad that I found you when I did, though.” He said, opening my door. “Come on, you’ll be safe here for now.”

Something didn’t feel right, and I wanted to leave, but he had just saved my life, and this made it twice now. So, I followed him into one of the warehouses. Maybe I could stay the night and make a plan in the morning I thought glancing around.

Both my lungs and muscles were burning. And I needed rest. I had to clear my mind before moving on. This time, I had to have a plan. I couldn’t just go strolling through the street, not knowing who was looking for me. It was clearly not over and too dangerous to be out in the open.

Plus, I knew Pedro a little and felt sure he wasn’t a danger. In the back of the warehouse were what appeared to be two makeshift rooms. The rest of the place was empty. One of the rooms had two small windows, and the other a long row of windows.

The one I could see looked like a kitchen and lounge in a single space. Seeing this as we walked closer, I assumed the other one with the smaller window was then his bedroom.

“You live here?” I inquired as he opened the door to the kitchen/lounge area.

Grinning at me again over his shoulder, he responded slowly. “Sometimes, but not always.” He held the door open and waved his hand for me to enter. I walked in and looked around. It seemed cozy enough for one person. Maybe I should get a place like this that is off the grid. Smiling at myself, I wondered what Ashan would say about it.

Hearing the door lock behind me, I swung around. “Pedro,” I said, feeling fear pushing through me. “What’s going on?”

He gave me that grin again as he spoke. “Oh, I’m sure you know. Twice now, I saved you.” He licked his lips as he came closer. “You owe me, baby,” he blurted out as he grabbed my wrist.

“No, Pedro,” I said trying to pull away. “I owe you nothing, let me go.”

We turned in circles a couple of times as I struggled to free my hands. After two or three turns, Pedro’s posture changed.

He let go of my wrist and grabbed me around my waist as I tried to pass him. Even though I heard the door lock, I wanted to be sure as I saw no other way out except if I jumped through a window. “Jamie, baby girl,” he practically shouted as he flung me backward. I tried to stop my fall but only caught the side of the couch.

Falling sideways from it, I hit my head on the small table, falling with me. Before I could get up or move away, Pedro was on top of me. “Girl, you owe me big time, and it’s time to pay your dues,” he breathed into my neck as he pinned me to the floor.

“No, Pedro, no,” I begged, trying to push him off. He was sitting on top of me with my hands pinned above my head.

“If you don’t stop struggling, girl, I’ll beat ya,” He hushed out as I felt one hand move to the buttons of my jeans.

My mind went blank with fear, and I felt paralyzed as I realized he was about to rape me. I started screaming at the top of my voice, hoping to be heard even though I knew we were somewhere secluded.

Even though I was filled with fear, I kept struggling. I wasn’t about to allow him to do this to me. I hadn’t survived everything to be used like a whore. My fighting spirit wouldn’t give up.

Chapter 14 - Ashan

It was getting late, and there was still no sign of her. I was angry and worried at the same time, how could Ana have done that? She knew full well I married Jamie. My men had been out searching the surrounding clubs and parks; they even went to search in the other territories.

There was no sign of her, it was like she had vanished. I couldn’t believe she would go so far as to leave our territory, but I didn’t want to take any chances. My men knew it had to be done discreetly. We didn’t need a war with Jamie still a target and now out there.

A couple of hours passed, I had returned to the den and was on my fourth drink when the call came in. One of my men felt sure he had seen her entering a warehouse on the edge of our territory. After receiving the coordinates, I recognized the location. Pedro was known to hang out there at times. A sense of relief washed over me. If she was with him, she would at least be safe.

I rushed over, wondering why she was with Pedro. Feeling sure that he had just happened to stumble upon her, I was grateful she wasn’t out there on the street. I couldn’t help but wonder if she was doing okay and why he didn’t let me know that he had found her.

Something was wrong. I could feel it in my bones. I had asked my men to wait outside for me, to not enter. I wanted to talk to her calmly and sort things out. I didn’t want her to feel like she was being held hostage.

Four of my guards were waiting as instructed when I arrived at the warehouse. They were parked across the street, so I pulled in next to them. I didn’t see Pedro’s car as I got out, but then again, the place was dark. The warehouse looked quiet and abandoned. “You sure they’re here?” I asked as we walked across the road.

Before any of them could answer, we heard the screaming coming from inside. Instantly, my body went cold. There was someone there all right. My guards broke through the door, and we stormed in. The warehouse was dark; the only light came through the windows of the kitchen/lounge area at the back.