He seemed overly nervous, tripling around like a little girl as he continued. “Not sure boss; she only told me to call you and put a rush on it. Her face and hair were all done up though.” Claus glanced down at the floor as he spoke the last bit.
Knowing Ana, I was sure it was minor, but I nodded and rose. The guard walked ahead of me to the third floor and then left. Heading to room six, I wondered what Ana was up to now and what kind of issue could there be if she had put on make-up.
Pushing the door open, I noticed the room was dark with all the lights off. “Ana,” I said about to leave again, seeing that she wasn’t there. Yet, she had been as I could smell her perfume. As I started pulling the door closed, I heard a movement.
“Have a seat, hun,” I heard her reply faintly from somewhere within. Glancing back in, one of the lights came on, making only enough glow for me to see one of the couches.
Moving in, I felt irritated at her. “Ana, I don’t have time for this. What’s the issue in here?” I asked, looking for her. Feeling her grab my rear end, I spun around. “Ana, stop,” I said as she shoved me backward.
Falling back, I felt the chair encasing me as the other lights in the room came on. Before me stood Ana with basically nothing on except for a see-through gown and stilettoes. “Ana, this has to stop,” I said, taking hold of the armrests to pull myself up. What would Jamie think if she saw this my mind screamed.
“No, no, no,” Ana replied, pushing me back with one foot on my chest and waving a finger in the air. “We’re not done, hun; we’re just getting started. Relax and let me remind you,” she added, leaning forward.
Grabbing hold of her calf to prevent the heel of her shoe from entering my chest, I heard the door opening behind her. Glancing around her, I saw Jamie standing at the door. The look on her face as she saw us affected me more than I was prepared for. I knew very well what it must have looked like. In her mind, after not being with her or seeing her for a couple of days, this must have confirmed some kind of idea she had.
She had explicitly told me Ana should no longer be in the picture if I wanted a future with her. I didn’t want to hurt her, and this wasn’t my doing, but I didn’t know if she would believe me now. Seeing the tears in her eyes and the shock on her face as she stepped back out stung. My gut tightened, and my heart pounded in my chest. Feeling my guilt driving my anger, I knew this had to stop.
Ana was out of control, I pushed Ana back and rose quickly. She staggered backward but steadied herself against the pole. Leaning around it, she softly spoke. “Ashan baby, so much fire always between us; I love your passion.”
Boiling from anger, I raised my voice as I replied. “Ana, stop, it’s over. There is no more me and you. Don’t ever try this again.”
Hanging on the pole she smiled at me and spoke, “Hunny, baby, you don’t mean that; you know we have more than a mere fire. Plus, I can give you what she can’t.”
I was astounded that Ana was still pushing this. How was the anger in my voice and my words not enough for her to understand? Staring at her, I realized this was never going to end as she seemed to only hear what she wanted. I knew I would have to stop this madness once and for all.
“Ana,” I breathed out, trying to stay calm. My hands formed fists, which I kept tightly against my sides. She was still a woman, and I wasn’t ever going to hit a woman no matter how angry I was. “It is time for you to pack up and leave, Ana, you have overstayed your welcome.” I walked to the door and waved my guards closer. “Claus will escort you out. Please, leave.”
Looking back at her as she picked up her coat, Ana was stunned. She started shaking her head as I stepped out of the room and gave the guards instructions. “Please see she gets her things and escort her off the premises,” Claus shook his head in agreement. “If she gives you any trouble just let me know.”
Ana walked slowly out of the room, seemingly defeated. Maybe now she realized that I meant what I said. “Goodbye, Ana,” I uttered before heading down to find Jamie. I knew it looked bad, but I was sure once Jamie knew what had happened, she would understand. She had to, I thought as I ran to the suite.
As I moved, my mind spun. A headache was developing somewhere in the back and would soon be pounding at my skull. But I had to make things right with Jamie. My heart raced as I walked toward the suite door. I had never felt this way about any woman before. As I went, I tried to formulate my thoughts and organize my words as I needed to explain what she saw with care.
Before I could reach the suite, Leo and Luder stopped me. “Ashan,” Leo said, blocking me in the hallway. He sounded and looked upset. Glancing at them, I noticed that Luder looked kind of disappointed.
“Hey, guys,” I replied quickly, unsure what was going on, but I needed to get to Jamie. “Now’s not a good time. I’m a bit busy and in a rush.”
“No,” Luder said, raising his voice slightly as he stepped in before me and grabbed me by the shoulder. He held my arm as he turned me to face him. “You need to explain first. We are family, and there are some things we don’t hide or do in secret; you know that!”
I only wanted to get to the suite and Jamie, but I could see they were seriously upset. “You got married and didn’t let anyone know?” Leo spat as he joined Luder before me.
The walls rapidly felt like they were closing in. Sweat broke out on the back of my neck, I knew this was bound to happen at some point. But how did they find out now at this moment, I wondered. Yet, discussing it now wasn’t the right time, not with all that had just happened. If I didn’t hurry, Jamie would leave. I had to explain to her that what she saw wasn’t real, or the whole picture for that matter.
“Is this true?” Luder asked, raising his eyebrows. I could see my brother felt hurt even though he tried to hide it behind his anger. “Ashan, explain yourself.” He added in an abrupt tone.
“I knew this would come guys, but really not know,” I pleaded, hoping to get Jamie settled before telling them. “Please, guys, I’ll explain everything. Just not now, I really have to go. Can we do this tomorrow?” I continued. I felt like a jumping jack and had to fight the urge to just run to the suite.
“What else could be more important?” Leo snapped at me as I pushed through them. Luder tried pulling me back, but I kept moving, turning out of his grasp.
Glancing back as I went forward, I replied over my shoulder. “Please, tomorrow, guys. I promise we will sit down and talk about everything.”
I stormed forward to the suite, leaving them standing there. It did look like Luder wanted to come after me, but Leo pulled him back. A couple of seconds later, I entered the suite. It was empty. I searched all the rooms but didn’t find her, Jamie was gone. Checking her wardrobe, I noticed her old clothing was missing, but nothing else.
Rushing out, I searched the entire den floor by floor, and room by room. I was relieved that Leo and Luder had seemingly left, and I didn’t run into them during my search. I spoke to the guards and other staff. No one had seen her. Would Jamie leave the den, did I make her go out there where her life was in imminent danger?
For a moment, my heart stopped as my chest tightened. I struggled to catch my breath as my mind played through all the scenarios of what could happen. She was out there and not safe. My legs felt wobbly and weak, I had to find her.
Gathering my guards, I asked them to search the territory. We had to move quickly and do it thoroughly. If Jamie went outside our borders, who knew what would happen? I sent out a photo to all the guards and told them to let me know if she was spotted. After taking a stiff drink, I also went out, driving up and down the streets in search of her.