“Thank you,” she blurted out. Grinning as she took one of the pizza rounds and started eating.
I watched her finish it before continuing. “Right, so, to keep you safe, we would have to do it a bit differently than usual, but I feel confident we can assist each other.” I started as I took a slice from the plate.
Jamie wiped her mouth and raised her eyebrows at me. After drinking some coffee, she spoke. “So, tell me how you can keep me safe and what I have to do in return?”
“You have to look at it from our point of view,” I said, once I swallowed the bite I took. I studied her reaction as I spoke. She shifted slightly on the chair and placed the cup down.
“Your point of view,” Jamie stated. “And what is that?”
I could see she was suddenly uncomfortable. But I rather enjoyed seeing her squirm. “My proposition may sound a bit far-fetched. But I assure you it is the only way.” I spoke deliberately, slowly, hoping she would accept what I was about to say. I was still processing my idea but knew it would be the best option.
Jamie stared at me blankly. Folding my hands, I placed them on my table and leaned forward. “I can offer you full protection, but you will have to marry me.” Before I could continue, Jamie rose to her feet.
She gasped loudly. “You are unbelievable.” She spat at me. “Who do you think I am?”
“Please sit down, I'm not done,” I responded calmly. She was fiery as she flopped back onto the chair. She mumbled to herself, looking at the wall.
If she was who I thought, she would have no other options. She was stunning, intelligent and wild. I was sure she would be a preferred choice where the family was concerned in comparison to Ana.
“Jamie,” I said, waiting for her to look at me. “If you want our protection, this is what is needed. But,” I added, taking a deep breath. “You will also bear me a child in exchange for protection. Being married to me gives you all the protection you will need and for some form of freedom, you will bear me a child.”
Jamie's mouth fell open, and her eyes widened. I sat back, allowing it all to sink in. Feeling proud of myself. I was killing two birds with one stone. I would give the family valuable information. Luder and Leo can stop complaining about my escapades. Plus, I could get Ana off my back without banishing her from the organization.
I had asked Ana to marry me two years back but the family made it clear that she would not be accepted. Ever since my brother fell in love with his better half, he started embracing this idea of the one. Like I cared finding the one. My arrangement with Ana worked well—she worked for us, we fucked and then we went separate ways. Hence, I had struggled somewhat with their ultimatum but eventually accepted it, because, after all, I didn’t really care all that much.
However, this woman before me was more in line with what they expected. There’s also something about her I couldn’t really name. Most of all though, I was thinking logically about it and not falling head over heels like my brother. This was a solid business transaction with some benefits.
“Look, you need to decide now. It's not that I want to pressure you. But my offer is only available for now. Once we leave here, it expires.”
Grinning, I rose and headed for the door. “You have until I return,” I stated, leaving quickly to check in with the guards. She had a lot to think of and I was sure she could do with some time to consider her options.
Ana’s pride might be hurt at first, but she was strong and would bounce back as always. After all, it wasn’t like I was throwing her to the curb, she could stay in her position. I was simply making a strategical move that would benefit the family.
Heading back downstairs I grinned widely as I felt like a cheshire cat who had just received a bowl of cream for being a good boy. I needed to let the guards know that she wasn’t to leave the premises under any circumstances. If she decided not to take my offer, I would escort her out myself.
Chapter 5 - Jamie
Shocked to the core, I watched him leave the room. He must be insane if he thought I would accept such an offer. Standing, I walked to the large window. Looking out over the city, I breathed out loudly.
“Marriage?” I uttered. “What is this guy thinking?” Placing my hands on the window frame, I leaned forward. My mind was whirling. Even considering this was preposterous. I closed my eyes and felt the warm breeze cool the sweat on my forehead. How dare he, I thought, feeling my anger rising. Just then my phone vibrated in my pocket before I could formulate any reasoning.
As I pulled it from my pocket, I turned and leaned against the windowsill. There was a new message. Opening it, I saw it was Pedro.
There was an address, and the message read: Meet me here in an hour. You must keep your promise. The enemies are searching and closing in. I know where you are. I will keep you safe but don’t disappoint me, sugar.
Keep me safe, I thought. Look what you have brought me, my life, for safety. What kind of safety is this? Then I shivered, thinking about Pedro’s hands all over me. I didn’t want this, and I didn’t want to sleep with him. Sliding down the wall, I felt my heart beating faster. A lump formed in my throat. I didn’t want to die either.
As I sat there, I felt the first tear slip from my eye. It rolled down my cheek slowly as my heart sank to my feet. I lowered my head between my knees. I had no choice. I would have to marry this man. If I didn’t, he would surely throw me out and where would I go then?
This thought brought an image of me and Pedro hiding out. I suddenly felt sick, he was a truly ugly man with broken teeth and rotting breath. If I wasn’t so drunk the first time, it would never have happened.
Under any other circumstances, I wouldn’t even consider this an option. In fact, I would have laughed this Ashan guy off. He wasn’t the kind of man I would be seen with not that I was sure what kind of man I wanted. At this stage of my life, I was focusing on me and getting my life together.
“You did a swell job of that, Jamie,” I said out loud as pain streamed up my tight shoulders into my neck. My head felt like it was swelling as tears burned my eyes.
But being honest with myself, except for the obvious reasons. There was something about him, though. When he entered the room, I felt a strange pull. There was a pounding at the walls I had built, weakening them. His aura attracted me, and I wanted to know more about him, but I wasn’t sure this was the way.
Taking a deep breath and wiping my eyes, I thought about my options. There were three options. Leave and take my chances alone out there, go to Pedro or marry Ashan.