Page 8 of Used By the Bratva

Grinning at her, I rubbed my cheek as I considered. “What exactly do you do? What kind of service can you offer? We don’t really have a staff shortage at the moment.” I was intrigued and raised my eyebrows as I spoke, knowing the kind of company Pedro kept.

Jamie shifted and glanced around the room as if seeking a way out. “Well, I’m pretty good at working on computers. But can pretty much do anything or at least try.” She now appeared calmer as she spoke.

“I don’t know if we have an opening, though. But tell me more about your computer abilities.” I asked. The fact that Pedro had sent her made me wonder.

Jamie slowly raised her cup. She looked at me as she sipped. She no longer looked even slightly jittery or scared. Something changed in her.

Sitting back, she spoke with confidence. “I can basically do anything you want. You name it, and I will get it done.” she proclaimed.

Grinning, I wondered what Leo would think. “So, you can do searches to collect information and do such things?” I asked curiously.

“Yeah, sure,” she replied, a bit too quickly for my comfort.

“Oh really,” I remarked, leaning forward, wondering if she had something to do with the recent hack. I was sure she knew what I was thinking as she protested even before I asked.

“I don’t go snooping or do illegal things, though. I only access public details and such.” I noticed she was fumbling with the edges of her hoodie as she spoke.

“You seem nervous suddenly,” I said, folding my arms. “Is there something I should know? Like the real reason for you coming here?”

“No, no,” she responded quickly. “I’m not into anything dangerous or such. Like I said, I’m only looking for a safe place.” As the words left her mouth, she realized what she had said.

Her hands flew up to her mouth. She shifted forward to the edge of the chair. With wide eyes, she leaned forward as she spoke. “That didn’t come out right. Please let me explain.”

I knew she was hiding something. “Now, now,” I said. “Calm down and tell me the truth.”

As she started, it dawned on me that she could be the hacker everyone was searching for. “Okay,” she said, glancing at her feet. “This guy, well, a customer called me two days ago.” she shifted nervously. “He asked me to do something for him. Which I had done without knowing what it was he wanted.” She glanced at the door and breathed in deeply. “He is trying to blame me for everything. I only did what he asked, though.”

As she spoke, I noticed her demeanor changing. Her shoulders sagged, and she hung her head against her chest. Jamie sat with her hands folded in her lap. She looked defeated, and I felt sorry for her. However, if she had what I thought, she could be a benefit. That information would be like holding precious gems. Keeping her safe would be easy.

“Tell me about you, you from around here?” I inquired watching her every move.

Jamie blinked and turned her head to the side as she responded. “Kind of. I have lived in Miami most of my life but not in this territory in another part on the other side.”

“And you came all this way on your own for protection you say?” I wondered how far she had actually come. Judging by her appearance she had surely spent a day or two on the run.

“I was heading,” she rubbed her cheek as if in thought formulating her answer. “Heading to another place but couldn’t stay there.”

“So, the danger you are in can come looking for you here then?” I inquired, wondering how many groups were after her.

“I--I don’t know,” she said softly.

“Give me a second to consider what you are asking,” I said as I stood and walked to the door. Opening the door, I waved the guard closer. “Please take her to the back dressing room,” I told him as he approached me.

“Jamie,” I stated, looking at her. She rose and turned to me. “He will show you to the back, get cleaned, and see if any clothing hanging there fits you. You can’t go around looking like that. Put on some other clothes. I'll be back shortly.”

She nodded and left with him. I headed upstairs to my office. I called Leo and informed him that I may have a lead on the hacker, but I would let him know if the information panned out. Sitting back in my chair, I consider my options. I liked her spunk and fighting attitude.

Maybe I could turn this into a win-win situation, but I had to be sure. She needed to be protected, and what she could do if she was the hacker, would be useful. How would I make it work though? And then it struck me, the perfect solution. This would get the family off my back, sort out Ana and give me a solid hold on her.

I called down and ordered some food and more coffee. I told the guard to bring her up once she was done. We could continue our chat in my office now. Comfortable enough with my decision, I waited.

The food came shortly before Jamie did. As she entered, I felt my chest tightening. Dressed in a tight-fitting pair of blue jeans, the neon light from the signs streaming in through the window cast a fantastic glow upon her.

Her silky-smooth skin, now clearly visible, highlighted her sparkling blue eyes. She was a vision to behold. The white lacey top she wore surely made her breasts more noticeable as well. Jamie looked nothing like the woman who had entered here a couple of hours ago.

I was frozen in time for a moment, speechless, as I struggled to regain my senses. I cleared my throat before speaking. “Well, you clean up nicely,” I said, waving my hand and pointing to the chair. “Sit, I ordered some food as I am sure you must be hungry.”

Jamie faintly smiled and sat down. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. “I think we can make some kind of arrangement,” I said, sipping some coffee.