Page 5 of Used By the Bratva

Waking in the early hours, I started moving again. I felt sure that I would reach my destination before lunch, hoping that Ben hadn’t betrayed me a second time.

Nearing the location, I slowed down to survey the area. I felt my heart pushing up my throat. Between me and the entrance stood a couple of thugs. I thought they had to be from one or the other Mafia group. They weren’t beggars or street people. Their clothing was rugged but too neat, and something about their posture just screamed at me.

I didn’t know them and couldn’t be sure if they could be living in the area, but I wasn’t going to take any chances. The buildings in this area were mostly rundown, doors and windows were smashed, there were no gardens and most of the houses looked deserted. This wasn’t the type of place I would visit or be caught in under normal circumstances. But the events forced my hand.

Pulling my hoodie further down over my face, I walked briskly hoping to pass them without an issue. As I started to pass , one guy tapped the other on the chest. “That’s her, let’s go.”

I started running as dread snuck in and turned the blood in my veins to ice. Glancing back as I ran across the street, I saw them gaining on me. I wouldn’t be able to enter the house as they would surely follow. Who knew what would happen then?

Glancing over my shoulder as I turned away from the entrance to the property before me, my foot caught on the curb, and I went sprawling forward.

Putting out my hands, I managed to save my head from colliding with the stone curb. I slid forward, taking off the outer layer of skin from my palms. Coming to a stop, I knew there was no time to fuss about my bleeding hands. My clothing also looked atrocious now, dirty and ripped. I would now fit in, I thought, glancing down.

Jumping to my feet, I felt pain shooting through my left leg. I thought to myself, this, too, would have to wait as I took off again. After taking a step or two, I started hobbling along as the throbbing in my leg increased. Glancing back again, I felt the blood drain from my body as the two men were on my heels.

The one had pulled a gun and was trying to aim it at me. This came from trusting strangers, I thought as my heart tried to smash through my ribs. Heaving as I moved, I knew this day wouldn’t end well. My lungs burned almost as much as my leg, I was battling to breathe, and my head felt light.

The chase hadn’t progressed far when a gunshot vibrated through the air. I froze and lifted my hands slowly. Turning, I saw an elderly man standing on the curb by the house I was heading to. He screamed something at the two thugs and started shooting at them.

Noticing they were now running in the opposite direction, I collapsed to the ground heaving heavily. Thankful for the interruption but still shaking from fear I sat in a heap. I wasn’t sure if I should go to this place Ben had sent me and if it was safe. The man walked over to me and stopped a couple of feet away.

“You’re the hacker?” the man inquired in a low, deep tone. His graying beard seemed to be one with the little hair he had left on his head as it appeared to surround his face. He wore a large dark brown overcoat and brown slacks. Even though his clothing seemed worn, his black pointy shoes shined and looked brand new.

Shaking my head, he waved for me to follow. Dusting myself off as I rose, I reluctantly contemplated my chances on the street.

“Sorry, sir,” I called after the man as he entered the property, heading for the door. He stopped and turned to me. “Do you know who those men were and where I can find Ben?” I questioned.

“Yes, yes,” he replied, glancing over his shoulder. “Come inside. It’s not safe out here.”

Scanning the area around us, the street appeared quiet. Those two men were surely Bratva, and they may come back. Entering the yard, I moved little by little as I couldn’t shake this feeling of impending doom. The man walked ahead of me as we entered the rundown house.

There was a long hallway with stairs to the right leading up and two entranceways on the left of the passage before us. We moved down it to the open room ahead. The room appeared to be a kitchen with broken cupboards, shelves, and a small island in the middle. There were three people seated around the island.

“Come, come, have a seat.” The man said, pointing to the island as he moved around it. My heart was racing, and I felt a slight tremor run through my body. Something was off, but I couldn’t place the feelings.

Moving forward at a snail's pace, I kept my eyes fixed on the seated inhabitants. As I closed in on the island, I noticed the one pulling out a knife and lowering it to his side. To my right was what I hoped was a backdoor and a way out should I need to run.

“Where’s Ben?” I asked abruptly as I came to stand on the side of the island. It seemed that the three seated were one female and two men. The woman sat on the stool closest to me. Their clothing looked worse than mine, and I noticed their hands and faces were dirty. They made me think of street kids, beggars, and thieves.

I was out of place here; I may be a hacker, but I was nothing like these people. I never associated with people who would stab you in the back for a penny, and that is what I thought of them.

Turning her head toward me, the woman who was younger than me whispered in an airy voice. “He’s not coming, love. You are the target.” Her words had barely filled the air when the two men slid off their seats.

Knowing trouble when I was faced with it, I turned on my heels and pushed out through the door. Stumbling onto a broken porch, I almost fell over the lifted floorboards. Managing to stay upright, I headed for the back fence. It was in ruin, and there were only a couple of places where it still stood.

“Come back, young lady,” the man called after me. “Ben said you need to face the music.”

Glancing back as I wiggled through the pieces of fencing, I saw the other three pursuing me. As I stepped through, I screamed back at him. “You tell Ben this is his doing, and he will pay!”

Clutching my backpack, I picked up some stones and threw them at the first one, trying to follow me through the fence. As he ducked back in, I turned and ran. I didn’t look back and ran sideways, up, and down streets, through yards and buildings until my legs burnt and I couldn’t breathe anymore.

My leg, my head, and my heart were pounding. I felt the excruciating pain as the adrenaline started to wear off.

Cowering behind some dump bins, I pull out my phone. With no other options, I made a call to Pedro. I didn’t know him well; he worked for shady people, but if anyone could help, it would be him. We had a one-night stand last year, but he wasn’t the kind of man I usually hung around with. Yet, we kept in touch now and then.

I listened as it rang, my heart beating in my ears as I took a couple of deep breaths. “Pedro,” I heaved out as the ringing stopped.

“Hey there, sunshine,” his voice echoed through the speaker. “How are you doing, I heard you got some trouble, is that true? How can I help?”