Page 43 of Used By the Bratva

He moved slowly and then pumped me hard and fast a couple of times before slowing down again. After a couple of times, I felt like I was floating on clouds of desire. I leaned back ever so slightly and placed my hands on his knees so I could spread my legs wider, wanting more of him inside of me.

Closing my eyes and allowing my head to fall back between my shoulder blades, I breathed out sharply. Ashan brought his head in and nibbled at my nipples again, sending sparks through every inch of my body. I felt his hands move from my ass over my hips. Holding my hips with his fingertips, I felt his thumbs moving to my clitoris.

Using his thumbs, Ashan made slow circular movements, first with one and then the other thumb over my clitoris. I screamed into the night air as my body started to shake then he stopped pulling his thumbs away. Grabbing hold of my hips tightly, he moved me slowly up and down his shaft again.

I dug my nails into his legs as my body craved more. Stopping again, he moved his thumbs back to play with my clitoris again. Every inch of me trembled as I floated higher on ecstasy. Ashan pulled back again and took hold of my hips. This time, I flung up and grabbed him around the neck. “Fuck me, baby, please, make me cum,” I breathed out. He was driving me crazy, and I was ready to explode onto him.

Feeling his hands moving back to my rear end, I was ready for him. Ashan lifted me up and down his dick in quick consecutive moves, but it didn’t take a lot. By the third time he brought me down hard filling me, I cried out in pleasure as I came. He also came with me, roaring like a lion.

He held me for a while before carrying me back inside. I filled the tub with bubbles as Ashan made us some hot cocoa. After a long, soothing bath, we crawled into bed cuddling.

Over the next two weeks, we consulted the doctor on home birthing. After weighing all our options, we decided it was the way we wanted to go. It placed less stress on the mother and the child, and the doctor agreed to assist us.

We set up a small portable pool in Catalina’s room so she would already be where she needed to be. With my last scan a week before my due date, the doctor informed us that the pregnancy went well, and he couldn’t see any complications. Ashan also hired a home nurse who came to stay with us.

She would assist with the birth and the first week after Catalina came. I was initially nervous but settled with the idea as I counted off the days.

A sharp pain in my abdomen woke me. Looking out the window, I noticed it was still dark out. Moving carefully, I got up and went to the bathroom. My bladder felt like it was about to explode if I didn’t. After using the toilet, I felt better, the pain was almost gone, and it was more like a dull throb than pain.

I got back into bed but couldn’t fall asleep again, so I decided to get up. I didn’t want to wake Ashan yet as I wasn’t sure if it was time. Going downstairs, I poured a glass of juice and sat on the patio for a bit, admiring the stars and listening to the ocean.

After a while, I stood to go back inside. As I walked, I felt the dull throb becoming more prominent. Entering the kitchen, I knew that it was time. Ashan had installed a baby system as he called it. There was a button in each room of the house that rang on his phone when pressed.

It was for just such an occasion as this. Moving around the breakfast island, I found the button and pressed it. It was only seconds before Ashan appeared in the doorway.

“You rang,” he said, sounding excited. “Is it time?”

Breathing slowly and deeply, I nodded my head. He came to my side and held me around the waist as we walked back upstairs. The nurse slept in Catalina’s room on a spare bed we had brought in. She woke as soon as Ashan switched on the light.

“It’s time,” Ashan proclaimed as she rose.

Nodding, she called the doctor to let him know. Ashan walked with me up and down the hallway as ordered while she filled the pool with water and collected the towels and instruments the doctor had sent over the previous week. Standing in the doorway of Catalina’s room she kept an eye on us.

As we passed her for what felt like the hundredth time, I had to stop and ask. “How long before the doctor comes?”

My breathing was slightly labored and the cramps sharper. “It’s not a quick process. It can take all day, try to relax. Let me know when you feel a cramp so we can time them.” She replied.

Nodding, we started walking again. Every time I felt a cramp, we stopped, and she timed the duration. She also kept note of how far apart each one was. They were still irregular and far apart. She brought out a large ball and had me sit on it, rolling in circles. “This will assist with the opening of the bones,” she said.

It was well after breakfast and almost lunchtime when she called the doctor again. After speaking to him, she asked us to sit in the water for a bit until he came. Ashan sat behind me in his shorts as we did my breathing exercises together.

The doctor arrived about half an hour later and had me lie down so he could see how far I had dilated. “Well, well,” he said smiling. “It’s almost time.”

We got back into the small pool and proceeded with more breathing techniques. Shortly after supper, Catalina was born. I held her to my chest overwhelmed by the reality and beauty of it all. She was perfect with tiny little hands and feet, and dark hair. I had never seen anything as precious as her.

Kissing her head softly, I whispered through my crying. “Welcome to the world, Catalina.”

Ashan was leaning around me, caressing her tiny little arm. Glancing at him, I noticed he was also crying out of joy. She was a healthy weight and had the lungs of an elephant. After the nurse cleaned her and the doctor checked her out, the nurse gave me instructions on feeding her. She sat with me to make sure I came right.

Ashan had left to see the doctor out and grab something to eat. He brought some supper for us as well. I couldn’t believe how hungry I was. He held Catalina against his bare chest as I ate softly, humming to her. I knew he was going to be a great father, and this proved it.

The first week wasn’t as bad as I had imagined. Once the nurse left, things got a bit harder, but the joy outweighed the troubles. Ashan arranged a naming gathering for the entire family to come to meet our little angel. During the next couple of weeks, he handled everything.

He was hands-on with diaper changes, and baths. He even did most of the cooking for us. I couldn’t have asked for a better man and was genuinely astounded at all he did.

Time appeared to be flying past us as days turned to weeks, and weeks to months. Before we knew it our little angel was turning one. She had taken her first stepps, had four teeth and were chatting away in a language of her own.

Ashan now ran three gambling dens and were working on acquiring more. Our days were getting fuller and fuller but we couldn’t complain. Sometimes trouble knocked at the door sure, but nothing as tough as what we had lived through.