Page 3 of Used By the Bratva

Hearing the door softly opening behind me, I spun around to see who was now coming to bother me further. Leaning against the door in her silky gown stood Ana. We had an on and off fling for a couple years now. I even made her part of the management at the den. But the family didn’t agree with our relationship. They felt she was slightly vindictive and a bad influence. Yet, I couldn’t really see it. Maybe my feelings were clouding my judgment.

I had broken up with her a couple of times, but she had something, I just couldn’t place it. She had a lure. The gown she wore wasn’t tied and hung to the sides of her curvaceous body. Her lacy underwear didn’t leave a lot for the imagination as she stretched her arm up the door. Ana licked her fully round lips and smiled seductively at me.

“Not now, Ana,” I said as she entered and closed the door behind her. Yet, she didn’t seem the least bit put off by my words or tone.

Walking toward me, she moved her head from side to side so hard that her silky red locks flowed into her face. Ana pushed herself onto my table. Sitting on the corner, she placed her hands between her legs as she leaned forward. “Come on, sweetie,” she whispered, pushing her breasts out and shaking them lightly. “I know you want some.”

“Ana,” I said, raising my voice slightly. “I said not now.” My mind was overflowing with the events of earlier. I had to do something to rectify the deal. But first, I needed to find out more about this hacker.

As I stepped past Ana, she grabbed hold of my hand and placed it between her breasts. “Come on, baby, you know it’s good. It will help you relax. It always does.”

Pulling my hand from hers, I shook my head and left my office. This was not the time for such things. She aggravated me with her constant come-ons lately. We had a good time, but it was short-term. Yet, she appeared not to grasp this. I took what I wanted and didn’t want to be tied down. Ana knew this; I had never stayed with a woman for over six months. She had been my longest relationship if you could call it that.

But now I had to make sure that Mr. Urgens didn’t talk about what had gone down here. Plus, I needed to know if he had anything to do with this leak. We couldn’t afford to have our business splattered around.

Leo’s office was empty. He must have gone to Roman, and I would catch up in a bit once Mr. Urgens was dealt with. Leaving the club, I made a couple of calls. I would make sure that business would be taken care of before anything could get out. I wasn’t going to let this interfere with our dealings.

Driving towards the Castoia’s gambling house, I received a text from my top man. They had managed to get Mr. Urgens before he got to the casino, and he was waiting for me at the warehouse. Changing course, I sped up so I could get back before anyone came looking.

Riding around a two-block area, I ensured no sign of anyone else lurking around before parking next to the warehouse. Upon entering, I found four of my men inside with Mr. Urgens tied to a chair and gagged. They had placed him in the middle of the room.

“Hi there,” I spoke to Mr. Urgens as I neared him. “I’m so sorry for the inconvenience. But I am sure you also know I can’t allow the news to surface.” Grinning at him, I added. “Did you have anything to do with this?”

Mr. Urgens shook his head violently from side to side, mumbling through the gag.

“You know this is only business, no hard feelings. Right?”

He shook his head in acknowledgment and mumbled again. “Right then, you should also know what is coming next,” I added, glancing at the men around me. Mr. Urgens started squirming in the chair, moving fiercely. “Now, now, if you do that, the chair might fall over, and you could get hurt. So just sit still for us, and I’ll make it quick, I promise.”

This older man before me had been in this business a long time. I felt sure that retirement was due. I couldn’t be sure if he knew more about the hack, but I couldn’t take any chances. I had no other option than to take him out of play. Pulling my Smith & Wesson, I leaned closer. “I am truly sorry,” I whispered into his ear.

Stepping back two paces, I aimed for his head. Mr. Urgens appeared to turn white as his blood drained from his face and sweat formed on his forehead. His mumbling increased, but he closed his eyes as I squeezed the trigger.

The shot echoed through the warehouse as blood splattered the floor behind the chair. It was done, but now we needed to get rid of the evidence.

I turned to my main man as I spoke. “Have you brought the barrels I asked for from Roman’s keep?” He nodded and pointed to the far side of the warehouse. “Right,” I continued. “You know what to do.

“Right away, boss,” he replied before showing the others to get a move on.

“No one is to ever speak of this, understood. Once you are done and sure the place is clean, take the drums out on the yacht to the cargo ship just off the port. They will know what to do with them.” I said as I walked to the door. The men scurried around, doing as they were told.

With that done, I could focus on the problem at hand: the hacker. I felt sure that Leo had found the invader by now as I headed to his place. Arriving at Leo’s, I saw a string of cars lined up outside. The family had gathered to sort out this mess, I thought as I walked in.

The women were all in the kitchen having tea, coffee, or juice while preparing food for lunch. Waving as I passed, I headed upstairs to Leo’s den. Entering, I noticed not everyone was present. Sergei was there, but Roman wasn’t. Then there was Ivan, Evelina, Luder, Leo, and me.

“Close the door behind you,” Leo said as I stepped inside.

“Have you found anything?” I replied as I closed the door and took a seat.

Evelina turned to me as she spoke. “We are still back tracing the hacker's steps. It appears someone else has found our hacker though. But Ashan…” she fell quiet and glanced at Ivan.

“We were lucky. More details than expected were taken from some of the others, and it’s been leaked,” Ivan added.

Leaning forward to see Ivan clearly past Evelina, I asked just to be sure I heard right. “It’s been leaked. What do you mean?”

Leo glanced back at me from his place before the computer. “Our location of the den house is on the web for all to see, Ashan. But we will get to the bottom of it and do a cleanup.”

Feeling the blood draining from my face, I placed my head between my hands and took a couple of deep breaths. This wasn’t good; once information got out there, it was practically impossible to remove it. “How can I help?” I asked, rising.