Page 26 of Used By the Bratva

Shaking my head slightly, I replied. “It’s up to you, whenever you feel ready.”

“Okay, maybe over the weekend.” She added before looking back out the window.

I accepted her answer and didn’t push it. We were both tired when we arrived back, and Jamie headed upstairs while I checked in with the guards. Entering the suite, I found her sleeping. After a quick shower, I also lay down for the night.

Opening my eyes, I noticed the blinking red light of the clock and read the time. Three o’clock, it was still early in the morning. But something woke me; there was a sound in the room or close by. Glancing at Jamie’s side, I saw she wasn’t in bed anymore. No, where did she go, I thought as I sat up, rapidly glancing around the room. I saw the bathroom door halfway closed and heard the sound coming from there.

Getting up, I went to see what was going on, as I felt sure that Jamie was there. Pushing the door open, I saw her seated on the floor next to the toilet hanging over it. “Jamie,” I spoke, feeling concerned as I walked closer. “Are you okay?”

She looked like someone who drank too much. Her face was only slightly lighter than usual, which I didn’t understand as she only had one drink and then juice. She glanced up at me only for a second and mumbled into the toilet. She was throwing up; could it have been something she ate?

Stepping closer, I squeezed her shoulder. “Jamie, are you okay?”

Looking up at me, her eyes appeared a bit glazy. “Not sure,” she mumbled and turned her head back down to the toilet.

“I’ll get some water; I’ll be right back,” I said as I hastily went to the kitchen and poured her a glass of cold water. Walking back to the bathroom, I wondered. If not the drink or food, what could be causing this reaction?

We’d only been together once, but could it be? After I handed her the glass, I watched as she sipped at it. Counting the time, I realized it could actually be seeing that it has been just over five weeks. I quickly went downstairs and asked one of the guards to go buy a pregnancy test. For safety, let’s rule out anything normal before I call the doctor.

A while later, I headed back up with the test in hand. Jamie was sitting on the corner of the bed, looking slightly paler than usual. I was sure it was from her session with Mr. Loo.

“Here,” I said, handing her the test. “Just to be sure, we need to rule out any possibilities.”

Jamie took the test and stared at it for the longest time. Glancing up at me she carefully shook her head. “No, can’t be.”

“Let’s just make sure, if not, I’ll call the doctor.”

She sat a while longer staring at the test. As she eventually stood, I noticed she appeared slightly distracted, her entire upper body was slouched as she shuffled back to the bathroom. This was understandable; so much had happened in a short period.

“I’ll just wait here,” I called after her. I was hoping for an invitation but didn’t want to intrude or push her. I had indeed done enough of that. She stopped at the door, glanced back at me, and nodded like someone sleepwalking.

Waiting for her to do the test and return felt like a lifetime passing. I was pacing the room, treading a line into the carpet. Then, the door finally opened, and Jamie came out, holding the test up in the air.

“Jamie,” I asked as she walked toward me, but she looked like she was in more of a daze than when she went in. I couldn’t read her, so I took the test from her as she plopped down on the bed. She still appeared a little off but now also seemed to have tears in her lovely eyes.

Staring at the lines on the test, I was shocked. We only had sex once, yet the results were positive. “We’re pregnant?” I uttered in disbelief. My mind went blank for a second and then flooded with everything that had to be done.

“This is phenomenal,” I said, pulling Jamie into my arms and turning a couple of times. Placing her back down, I beamed at her. “There’s so much to do,” I uttered, but she just stood there. “Jamie, aren’t you happy?

Hearing the door open behind us I turned to see Frank standing there. “Boss,” he said softly.

“Yes, yes, Frank, just a moment.” Turning back to Jamie, I hugged her again and kissed her forehead. I was overjoyed but wasn’t sure how she felt. Yet, the den was calling and I had to see what needed to be done. “Get back into bed, I’ll have someone check on you in a bit, okay.”

She didn’t reply as she took the test from my hand and crawled onto the bed. I stood a moment longer, watching her as my mind tried to grasp the situation. We were going to have a baby. I really had to talk to Jamie but needed to sort some things first.

Heading to my office, Frank walked with me, giving me all the updates. He informed me of Pedro’s progress and all developments around the den.

“Good, good, Frank,” I started as we entered my office. “Can you send the chef up and ask Cleo to come and see me? There is a lot to do. Thank you”

Sitting at my desk, I called the family doctor first, as Jamie and the baby deserved only the best care. Once an appointment was made, I started making arrangements for meals, clothing, and everything else needed.

Consulting the chef, I gave clear orders so he could only provide her with fitting meals and to let me know if any issues arose. I asked Cleo to visit a maternity store and get some new clothing suitable for a woman with a baby growing in her.

Staring out the window, still overcome with joy, I knew things would have to change but deep down, I was afraid. The next couple of weeks were going to be demanding, but I have never backed down from a challenge before, and I won’t do so now. Jamie and the baby needed me to be at my best.

Chapter 17 - Jamie

I crawled back into bed, watching Ashan stroll out of the suite. At that moment, my life changed, all my plans flew out the door with him. I felt numb as reality settled in. I was now truly stuck here. No more running away and wanting to be free of all this, I was pregnant with his child.