Page 66 of 4-Ever

One that I could never, ever walk back from.



It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that kissing Faise was the best thing that had happened to me in my adult life. And I’d experienced a lot of highs over the past twenty years.

Waking up wrapped in his arms this morning, and after everything that had happened last night, I realized I was going to take that leap. Step out on stage. Put myself out there. Risk our friendship for something more.

When I rolled over, I did what I’d been wanting to do for a while now. I kissed him. I’d shocked him for sure. And myself. But it felt natural, another step in our relationship. Did I know what I was doing? Fuck no. Did it feel good? Did I want more? Yes, and yes.

So, I dragged him into the shower, my heart beating out of control, my legs about to give out under me. Everything was about to change.

And when we kissed—a fulsome one this time—my world rocked louder than any show I’d ever performed.

Like discovering sex for the very first time, I was addicted to Faise’s taste. The urgent way he brought us to orgasm was something else. It unleashed a hunger, an intensity that I’d never felt with anyone else.

I came so hard, so fast, I should’ve been embarrassed. But I wasn’t. I was still reeling from the fact that it had happened at all. And my vivid fantasies had nothing on the real deal.

But as soon the orgasm was done, my brain kicked online, and I remembered why he was here in the first place. And who was waiting downstairs.

I kissed Faise gently, cupping his face in my palms. Unlike me, he had hardly any facial hair. On his face or his body. He was miles of smooth, golden skin, long and lithe, and sexy as fuck. My dick hardened again, wanting more, but play time would have to wait.

I noticed the large bruise on his face, and relived the moment when Dallas hit him. I rubbed my thumb gently over his tender cheekbone, wishing I could erase the mark. Erase any pain Faise ever had.

“Sorry to ruin the moment,” I whispered. “But we gotta head downstairs. Ciara.”

Faise nodded, “I know. That’s why I said we had no time.”

“I’m scared for her, Faise. What if he comes after her again?”

Faise stepped away from me, turned the water off, and opened the door to grab towels. I shivered. From the cold or from my worries, I didn’t know.

“She’s staying with us for now. We’ve got security, and she’ll be fine.”

“Yeah, but her job and stuff.”

Faise quickly dried himself off and then took a second towel, wiping my body, head to toe, taking care not to disrupt my bandage. And I, needy bastard that I was (who knew?), let him. It was nice to be taken care of. When he kneeled and dried off my feet, I looked down at him. Imagining him in taking care of me in other, filthier, ways. My cock was raring to go again but he’d have to wait.

When Faise finished drying me off, he stood up and took my hand. Funny how a simple touch from my best friend could set my blood racing.

“No doubt it’s going to be a shit time for a while,” he replied. “But she’s strong. Just like you. She’ll be okay.”

I nodded, still unsure but not wanting to voice the doubts in my head.

All of them.

As I looked at Faise, I wondered, worried, if I was gonna fuck this up. I didn’t know anything about being a boyfriend? Was that what we were now? Lovers? Partners? None of those words seemed big enough to fit how I felt about Faise. It was that, but more, deeper than anything else. He was my world. I don’t know why I didn’t see it sooner. Or maybe I just took for granted he’d always be there.

We stepped out of the bathroom and I gave in to temptation and pulled him back into my arms, taking his lips in a deep kiss as we stumbled into the bedroom.

Between languid kisses, we managed to get dressed. Faise borrowed a pair of my sweats and a t-shirt. The clothes were enormous on him, but he looked cute as fuck. Of course, he ruffled when I told him so.

“Cute? Don’t even,” he scoffed.

“You are. Adorable,” I teased, kissing his head as we headed down the stairs.

“That’s worse!” he grumbled but the smile on his face told me he didn’t mind at all.