Page 98 of The Red-Hot Stakes

She knelt by me still. “Gina, if nothing else comes of this, I want you to know that I love you, girl.”

I sucked in a breath as she nodded.

“Yep, I said it. You’re my sister, and I love you. I almost lost you today, and I didn’t even know it. I’m going to be telling you all the time, so you better get used to it, okay?”

My throat had a lump in it the size of a football, but I managed to croak out, “Okay.”

She hugged me again, giving me time to regain my composure. She’d just stood up to go back to her seat when I grabbed her hand.

“I love you, too, Ave.”

Her smile was a mile wide. “I know, G. I know.” Then she sobered. “Which is why I should’ve seen it. I know you better than anyone, and I saw you with Liam. I knew how happy you were. I’m so sorry I let you walk away when you needed me the most.” She gripped my hand. “It won’t ever happen again.”

And I believed her.

Rhonda and Greg murmured apologies as well, not quite as epic as hers. Avery finally returned to her seat to lean against Derek. He stayed strangely silent for the rest of the meal.

But the apologies got me thinking about how much my friends did care about me, and Rhonda’s offer on the plane resurfaced in my mind. I’d tried therapy, but that had been years ago. Things had changed. I had changed.

It couldn’t hurt, right? Brad’s face flashed through my mind again, and I fought off a wince, knowing I’d need something to help me process all that had happened. “Rhonda?”

Her crystal blue eyes found mine.

I swallowed, pushing aside my fear of being vulnerable. This was bigger than anything I could handle on my own, and I was ready to admit that. “About that therapist you mentioned. Do you think I could have her number?”

Chapter Twenty-Five

It felt so right having Liam beside me again. I didn’t take one second of his overcrowding for granted, loving each moment of him being in my space. Every time I moved and came into contact with his big muscular body, I’d pause to grin at him, my heart overflowing with happiness.

I insisted on walking back to our room on my own two feet. Liam agreed after making me swear we’d find a doctor first thing in the morning. After Rhonda and Greg disappeared into their room with a cheery goodnight, Avery asked me about my limp.

“Ah, that’s why Liam’s been carrying you everywhere. I thought he just couldn’t stand to put you down.” She smiled at our joined hands.

Avery went into hers, but Derek lingered. “Got a minute, G?”

I nodded, Liam leaning on the doorjamb behind me.

Derek’s gaze flicked to him, as if noting the protective stance. “I just wanted to apologize.” He shifted his weight. “A lot of Avery’s animosity probably came from being around me. I was not your biggest fan.”

I smiled wryly. That was the understatement of the century.

“Liam’s my best friend, and you ripped him to shreds.” He shrugged. “I get it now, but that was all I could see—the mess you left him in. I couldn’t forgive you for hurting him.”

“I know,” I said quietly. “If you ever did anything like that to Ave, I’d feel the same.”

He cleared his throat. “I’m sorry for judging you like that. And thank you for protecting him the way you did, for going through all that, ostracizing yourself and giving up everything. For him.” His blue eyes found mine. “He’s lucky to have you.” His voice was rough, and he reached out for an awkward embrace, one that had me tearing up. “Thank you,” he whispered again.

I nodded, unable to speak. We said hasty goodnights then he ducked into his room.

Liam gaped. “I think you won Derek over.”

My snort was loud, echoing in the hallway. “All it took was arson, blackmail and kidnapping.”

He laughed, the remnants of it fading as he leaned down to kiss me, slowly, softly. Then his phone rang. He glanced at the screen, holding up a finger to me as he stepped outside to answer.

I waited impatiently for his return, beaming when he stepped back inside. “Well?”

“That was my friend. He talked to Brad’s man and the guy is relieved to have their business concluded. Even offered me a favor.”