“No.” The word was fierce. “You’re not going anywhere, not from here and not from my life. Do you understand? You’re stuck with me, no matter what.”
A huge crack tore through the walls around my heart at his declaration as he gathered me in his arms again. I knew he’d catch me, no matter what.
Even if it meant his downfall.
* * * *
I didn’t sleep much that night. Liam slept soundly as I stared at the ceiling, replaying our conversation. I couldn’t help feeling that a giant shoe hung over my head, just waiting to drop. Easing out of bed, I managed to get my clothes on without waking him.
After I wrote a quick note, I headed to The High Five, stopping for coffee on the way. The brisk walk felt good. When I made it inside, I sipped my coffee and slipped in my earbuds. It took a moment to settle on the right musical for my mood, but Annie seemed like a good fit. Gloves on, I set about scouring every possible surface, throwing all my leftover emotion into the task.
An hour later, Liam scared the shit out of me by touching my shoulder. I almost screamed, throwing my sponge into the air. I whirled around, yanking out my earbuds to the sound of him laughing.
“You think you’d learn.” He shook his head. “Wash up, I brought breakfast.”
We ate in his office, the only place none of us had been the previous night. I carefully steered the conversation away from my breakdown, but he kept studying me as if I might shatter any second.
I felt like I had to say something. “Liam, I’m okay. Last night sucked, but we made it through. I won’t break down like that again.” I sighed, trying to find an explanation. “I just got really overwhelmed. Thank you for listening and holding me and, well, for everything.” It was mostly true. Definitely the part about me not breaking down again.
“Gina, I know it had to be really hard to talk about that stuff. You had some really awful things happen, things that would be difficult for anyone to go through, let alone a child. Did you ever…see anyone about this?”
“Like therapy?” I nodded. “It was required for me to keep going to school.” But I’d become really good at saying exactly what they wanted to hear. “I’m not sure how much it helped.” And you can only say you’re cursed so many times before people start talking about doctors and institutions. I’d learned exactly what they wanted to hear and kept my mouth shut about anything else.
“I just don’t think it’s healthy to blame yourself for all that.”
I held up a hand as I stood. “Thanks, Liam, I get it. I know how ridiculous it sounds, that I caused all that stuff.” I kept my eyes locked on him. “I’m all right now, okay?”
“If you say so.” One corner of his mouth tipped up. “Just know that I’m here if you need anything.”
“That’s one thing I’m sure I can count on.”
We spent the rest of the day working side by side. We cleaned every surface until it was spotless, then we cleaned it again. We ordered food for the weekend, making lists and calls. Our inspection was scheduled for the next day, early enough that we should be able to open.
By the time we were done, I was exhausted. I ate my dinner through half-closed eyes and fell into bed, not moving an inch all night.
* * * *
I breathed easier once we passed our inspection and we were able to open again. We’d had an endless stream of phone calls asking about the incident. We’d decided honesty was the best policy—a new vendor, one we wouldn’t be using again, then listing the steps we’d taken to clean up everything. Most people were satisfied by the time they hung up. So when I answered the phone, that was what I was expecting. “High Five, this is Gina.”
“Well, hello,” an unfamiliar male voice drawled.
The voice warbled and was unnaturally deep, as if using a synthesizer. My hackles immediately reared, and I frowned.
“The infamous Gina I’ve heard so much about. I’ve heard you like to gamble. Wanna make a bet, Gina? Or would you prefer to be called ‘Red’?”
“Who is this?”
“Never mind that, I need an answer.” He paused. “The bet is simple—I bet I can make you break up with Liam. What do you think?”
I laughed at his audacity. “You’re insane.”
“I hoped you’d say that. You’ve already had a taste of what I can do. Now it’s time to play.” He chuckled. “Remember, the longer you wait, the higher the stakes.”
The line went dead, and my frown deepened.
Liam did a double take as he walked by. “You okay?”
I shook my head, trying to clear it. “Just some prank caller.” But the guy’s words lingered in my head, especially his emphasis on taste. What had he meant by that? I walked around the rest of the night feeling uneasy, but nothing out of the ordinary happened.