Page 43 of The Red-Hot Stakes

“Really?” I remembered telling him to do that with his ex, so it was extra sweet he was making the effort to discover things about me.

“Yep. I have vodka, cranberry juice, OJ, and all the stuff to make mai tais. Plus I have beer.”

“I’ll take a mai tai,” I said, laughing as his face fell. “You have no idea how to make one, do you?”

Sheepishly, he shook his head.

“Luckily, you have a resident bartender on hand. Want to learn or want me to just do it?”

His smoldering gaze sent a thrill through me. “I’ll watch.”

“Ever had one?” I asked after my mai tai was finished. When he shook his head, I held out my glass. “Try it.”

He took a timid sip, then another. “That’s actually pretty decent.”

I resisted the urge to tell him I told you so and instead offered him one of his own.

“Sure, why not?” He studied the process, fascinated as I made another. “What do you want to watch?”

I thought about my options as I slid him his drink then we made our way to the couch, putting down our mountains of food. “Have you seen Red Notice?”


“Have you heard of it?” At his blank stare, I went on. “Ryan Reynolds, Dwayne Johnson, Gal Gadot? Action, comedy? I haven’t seen it yet, but it sounds amazing.”

“Sounds great.”

The movie engrossed me right away, action-packed from the start. I finished eating, shoving my plate to the side, and curled up with my legs underneath me, sipping my drink. Liam finished too, stretching one arm behind me.

About halfway through, I had him pause the movie, wanting a bathroom break and another drink. He took me up on my offer of making him one, and I carried them both back to the couch where he sat with his arm still resting on the back. His chest looked so inviting.

I handed him his drink then settled in next to him, leaning my shoulder against his side. “Do you mind?”

He shifted closer. “Not at all.” His words came out all husky, sending delicious shivers through me.

The combined warmth of his body and the alcohol flowing through my veins relaxed me. I slowly sprawled on to him, resting my head on his chest. Eventually my hand followed. Before the movie was over, Liam was diagonal on the couch, with his legs propped on it, and I was splayed against him, not wanting to move when the credits rolled. I let out a big yawn.

“You’ve got class tomorrow, don’t you?” he asked, his chin on top of my head, one hand absently running his fingers through my short hair.

I nodded, fighting to keep my eyes open.

“You need to get some sleep.”

Once again, I nodded, his voice a comforting rumble beneath my cheek.

“Do you have an alarm set?”

My nod was miniscule, and this time when my eyes closed, they didn’t open again.

I woke up to my pillow moving beneath me.

“Sorry, my arm’s asleep.” Liam groaned as he shifted, then nearly fell off the couch.

“This is stupid.” I yawned. “You have three perfectly good bedrooms here. Or I can just head back to my own place.”

“Please don’t go,” he said softly.

The thought of stumbling up the stairs, away from the cuddles, away from the warmth, had me balking. “Okay, but let’s find somewhere more comfy.”