Page 92 of The Red-Hot Stakes

A low flat rock rested in the middle of the clearing and the man shoved me toward it, tossing the water bottle at my feet.

I greedily took a drink. As my thirst was quenched, my anger grew. “Tell me what’s going on.”

He chuckled. “Always so impatient.”

Jutting my chin, I stood once more, not even flinching when he aimed the gun at me. “I did everything you asked of me. Liam’s heart is broken, just like you wanted. He’s suffering, just like you wanted. What else could you possibly need from me?”

His nearly black eyes pierced me to the core, lacking any warmth. This madman was dead inside, and I shivered under his frigid perusal.

“What Liam has suffered is nothing compared to what I’ve been through.” The gun lowered slightly as his other hand clenched into a fist. “You think having his name dragged through the mud for food poisoning is suffering? You think having his new business burned out from under him was painful? That a new employee dead on his watch hurt?”

He stepped closer, his voice growing louder. “You dare to compare the way you broke his heart with your pitiful display to the way he ripped my family from me?”

I wanted to shrink away from the despair and anguish in his voice, but I held my ground. I’d cowered enough before this man. And look where it’d brought me.

“He’s experienced a mere taste of what I felt. I went to him for help, and he refused. When I went home that night, those men attacked me, beating me to a pulp. I lost the hearing in this ear, the feeling in this half of my face.” He gestured to his left side.

“And when I woke up, was anyone at my bedside?” He waited for me to answer, but I had none. “No! Liam took them all from me.”

The pieces came together. His brother-in-law in the bar, begging for money. Liam rushing off to help relocate his sister after his brother-in-law was admitted to the hospital. How his brother-in-law had gambled away everything they’d owned.

I flatly said his name as my mind raced with questions. “Brad.”

“That’s right! Give the lady a prize.” His crooked grin was menacing as he crossed the clearing to stand in front of me. “You surprised me, you know. Giving in so quickly to my demands. I really thought it would take more. I’d really been looking forward to taking down Eat at Joe’s next, maybe that waitress he’s so fond of.”

Horror filled me at the idea of Sally being in danger.

“But then I had the opportunity of a lifetime. One of my former creditors knew of my skills and needed them desperately. Desperately enough to pay.” He ran his fingers along the barrel of the gun in a creepy caress. “It’s amazing what you can do with a made man in your pocket.” His grin turned feral. “Eat at Joe’s was small potatoes when I could simply come after you and Liam myself.”

He flung his arms wide. “The Caymans are grand, aren’t they?” A maniacal edge tinged his laughter, then he pointed the gun once more at me. “My friend has quite a few connections here. You’ll have to thank Avery for choosing this place.” He snickered. “But that will be difficult to do once you’re dead.”

Fear shot through me, but I shoved it aside, knowing I needed to keep my head. His gaze raked down me, and I fought the urge to cover my chest as he stepped closer.

“You are a pretty thing, aren’t you? I can see why Liam wants you.” He reached out to touch my cheek, but I jerked away, and he laughed. “That red-hot temper, always simmering. As to what I’m going to—”

“Get away from her!” Liam’s voice rang out across the clearing, and my head snapped up to meet his rage-filled gaze.

Brad’s arm went around my chest as he stepped behind me. My body was his shield as he pointed the gun at Liam. “Ah, just in time. I see you got my note.”

“Let her go, she has nothing to do with this.”

Brad walked us slowly backward, closer to the cliff. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. I’ve spent the last week spreading chum off this ledge. I’m sure there are some very hungry sharks who desperately want their afternoon snack.”

A bucket sat near the ledge, full of dark and disgusting liquid. “Would you like a demonstration?”

Without waiting for the answer, he kicked the bucket over to land in the ocean thirty feet below. Seconds later, the water churned, fins appearing and disappearing in a frenzy. My heart pounded in my chest, and I felt the color drain from my face at the thought of being ripped apart by frantic sharks.

“You took everything from me,” Brad said, tightening his grip on my arm.

No way was I going to wait around to become some shark’s next meal. I planted my feet, biding my time for the right opportunity. I set my jaw, trying to tell Liam I was ready. Time slowed for me, and I saw everything in half-speed. I felt Brad tense and knew he was going to make a move.

“Now I’m going to take everything from you.” He aimed the gun right at Liam.

A deadly calm came over me. I pushed my tied hands into his shooting arm while lurching my weight forward to throw him off balance. The shot fired into the air as he cursed behind me.

I snapped my head back, the crack of his breaking nose music to my ears. He cried out, and satisfaction coursed through me. I ducked, spinning out of his grasp. I didn’t give him time to recover, shoving him backward with both hands while he was still blinded by the pain.

The gun flew from his hand, tumbling over the cliff, then his foot slipped on the loose gravel. He teetered on the edge for a moment, panic in his eyes. I hadn’t realized we were that close to the cliff.