“It’ll probably be a while yet, what with the new business. But we’ll let you know.” She smiled over at her fiancé, who crossed the room to kiss her.
I smiled hopefully up at Avery who shook her head and said, “Don’t think I’m dropping this.”
I sighed. “I know you mean well, but how about you let me recover from being blackmailed and kidnapped, and enjoy having my boyfriend back. At least for a little while?”
She reluctantly nodded. “Fine. Oh, and I’m taking full credit for you two hooking back up. That one bed trope works every time.”
* * * *
The next morning, the newlyweds joined us for breakfast, and we all catcalled, making a huge fuss to the point that even Derek had red cheeks.
I had something to make them redder, my intelligence saying Avery had pulled out the penis costume last night. “So, Captain, how was playing dress up last night?”
Derek’s jaw dropped, and he glared at Avery. He pushed back from the table, storming off as the other guys watched curiously.
Avery leaned over, whispering smugly, “It didn’t fit. It was too small.”
I pressed a hand to my mouth. “No way. You actually got him to try it?” I burst into peals of laughter.
Rhonda joined me, laughing so hard she laid her head on the table, tears streaming down her cheeks. “That little captain’s hat…”
“Wait, wait.” I sucked in a breath. “Even the mustache?”
Avery’s mouth twitched as she nodded, then we all doubled over, nearly falling out of our seats.
Greg and Liam stood, taking that as their cue to leave. We finally caught our breath just as Derek stalked back by. I tried to hold it in. I made it to the hallway before the giggles slipped out, the three of us leaning on each other once more.
When I came back with my plate full of food and my mimosa in hand, I slid into place next to Liam. He automatically plastered himself against me, and I welcomed his heat along my side. No longer feeling stifled or penned in, I beamed at him, realizing I had exactly the right amount of space.
Three years later
The six of us stood in the fancy hotel lobby, outside the elevator, waiting for it to finally arrive.
“Avery, that award you received is pretty awesome, huh?” I smiled at my friend who leaned heavily on Derek’s arm, her protruding belly making standing not so fun.
“Yeah, the Fan Favorite, that’s my Cupcake.” Derek nodded, beaming proudly.
Avery had put her talent for cooking to good use, opening her own catering business and partnering with Rhonda. She quickly gained a wonderful reputation, her business solid and steady in no time. The local chamber of commerce had just handed out small business awards, bestowing the highest honor on Avery’s company.
“And the shipping business is still booming?” I grinned at Derek.
He’d been steadily working at improving all aspects of technology for the shipping business, earning himself a partnership with his father.
Their parents had finally come around to Rhonda and Greg’s relationship, even attending the wedding. The irony of it all was that his parents and hers were now scheming on how to combine their empires. Greg wanted nothing to do with it, content to help Rhonda run their business, which they’d just opened another branch of.
Avery gave a tired cheer as the elevator finally arrived. “Hooray.” She tilted her head at Rhonda. “When are you jumping on this bandwagon?” She rubbed her swollen stomach.
Rhonda winced. “Maybe never. I’ve got my hands full as it is.”
Greg looped an arm around her waist. “I’ll say.”
“How come I always have to pave the way?” Avery grumbled.
Derek kissed her cheek. “Because you’re good at it.”
Liam had been awfully quiet the whole night, and I laced my fingers through his. He startled like I’d scared him.