“That Clark is nothing without his o-line. Dude’s a worse scrambler than me.”

Lucia snorted, throwing her pen onto the desk and leaning back. “This is now the second time I’ll have to write a report that’s pure bullshit.”

“I’m surprised they’re not all pure bullshit. The idea that you have to write reports because we’re together doesn’t even make sense.”

“Well, no, I understand why I have to. What if we were actually together and I was getting paid for these sessions but we were”—she waved her hand around—“hooking up?”

“I didn’t take you for a hooker, Moretti.”

“That’s not…God, you’re infuriating. Has anybody ever told you that? Are you aware of how annoying you are?”

He tapped his chin. “Hm, let’s see. You’ve told me more than a dozen times. Coop’s told me a few times. I guarantee both of my siblings have, especially Landon.”

“So, nobody outside of your inner circle? That tells me everyone else you interact with is lying to you.”

“Did you just describe yourself as a part of my inner circle?”

Silence. “Well, at least to the media. And if I’m not a part of your inner circle, then I’m the only outside person in your life being honest with you.”

“Am I a part of your inner circle?”

She sighed. “Colton, I have, like, three friends, only one of whom I currently speak to, and she doesn’t live in the same city as me. Plus my father. So, anybody who I spend as much time with as I do you, no matter how miserable that time is, they’re bound to be a part of my inner circle.”

This was a perfect bridge for what he’d been waiting to ask her for over a week. “Well, come to our bye-week party on Saturday, then. Devin’s hosting again, and all the wives and girlfriends will be there. You’ll get to meet people and make some friends in the city.”

“I don’t know…”

“It’ll be fun, I promise.”

“That’s what you said about outreach.”

He scoffed, “Don’t pretend you didn’t have fun at outreach, I was watching you.” When she didn’t respond, he said, “You can hold my hand the whole time.”

She smacked his shoulder. “I will not be doing that.”

“Well, you probably should since you’ll be coming as my girlfriend.”

She groaned. “God, don’t remind me.”

“We’re going to need an attitude makeover before the party. This whole ‘pretending to hate me’ thing isn’t gonna look good in front of our friends.”

“Bold of you to think I’m pretending.”

“So that’s a yes to the party?”

“Fine, Colton. I’ll go. But only because I’m starved for friendship and having you as my only acquaintance here is beginning to cause me real problems.”

“You’re so good to me.”

That dress was going to be his absolute undoing. He’d kept it together for two months of button-downs and tight skirts and heels. He’d even managed to get through the night when she’d worn his sweatshirt in his hotel room. But that dress? Shimmery green, flaring around mid-thigh, a bunching of fabric right above her breasts. He was struggling to keep his eyes off of her, even as his teammates tried to engage him in conversation.


“Huh?” He turned to Cooper, whose eyes traveled from him to Lucia.

“Did you hear me?” His friend adjusted the cowboy hat he often wore when he wasn’t on the field.

“No, sorry, what’d you say?”