“Because once she met and fell in love with you, I knew I could never compete with that. You don’t compete with the love of someone’s life, and you’re hers. Believe me when I say I know Sarah. Okay? She’d never get over you. If you could just see it as clearly as I do, you’d know. She’s yours man. All yours. Forever.”

Angel stood up, feeling almost dazed. He’d known for years that Sarah was the love of his life and that he’d never get over her if he ever lost her. No matter how many times she said it to him, it seemed impossible to believe she could possibly feel for him everything he felt for her. The last thing he ever expected was for someone else to be pointing out that he was certain she was. Least of all Sydney.

To his surprise, when he looked in the mirror, he wore a crooked smile. “Forever mine,” he said without even thinking.

“Yeah.” Sydney let out what sounded like a defeated or maybe satisfied breath. “Forever yours.”


The gang decided to make one last trip up to Big Bear before the snow season was over. They spent the day on the slopes then walked around the picturesque little town, doing some shopping and sipping hot chocolate.

On their way back to the cabin after the exhausting but satisfying day, Romero insisted they drive around to see if they could get a glimpse of the training complex of Felix Sanchez, the current welterweight boxing champ.

“You’re not gonna be able to see shit,” Alex said as he turned on the road Romero asked him to. “It probably has a long ass driveway and is sitting way on top of a mountain.”

“You never know. I heard his property goes on for acres and acres. Some of it might be visible. I also heard he trains in the winter. He might even be up here now.”

“And what?” Eric asked from the middle seat of the crowded SUV. “You really think you’re gonna see him?”

“Hey.” Romero tapped the seat in front of him. “What’s with the negativity? I said you never know!”

Sarah sat on Angel’s lap in the back seat and was surprised by how he turned every peck she gave him into a long drawn-out kiss that had her tingling even in the crowded vehicle . “Stop,” she whispered against his lips as low as she could because Romero was right next to them. Leaning into his ear, she whispered, “You’re turning me on.”

His squirming and licking her neck made her giggle. “Hey.” Romero finally stopped arguing with Alex and Eric long enough to notice Angel and Sarah. “You two are fogging up the windows.”

Sofia who was sitting right in front of them laughed out loud.

“Check it out,” Romero said, wiping off one of the windows and pointed out.

“What the . . .?” Alex said, slowing down because of the sudden traffic.

There were television crews and news vans lined up all along the road. Some cars were pulling over just to get a photo in front of the gates to his driveway.

“I told you he’s up here,” Romero said. “These guys are probably all camped out here, trying to get a picture of him. He’s got that big fight coming up later this year.”

They finally made it through the mess of the traffic with Alex muttering the whole time about Romero’s stupid idea to go check out the complex. Eric and Romero debated the entire way about whether or not someone like Sanchez enjoyed that kind of attention. Eric thought it’d suck ass to not even be able go out and grab a bite without being hounded. Romero said it came with the territory and insisted from all the photos and footage he’d seen of the guy that he seemed to savor the spotlight.

When they finally reached the cabin, Sarah had hoped to sneak away into the bedroom to finish what Angel had started in the truck, but Sal reminded them it was their turn to cook.

“I got it, babe,” Angel said already pulling stuff out of the fridge.

“No, I can help,” she said, feeling less than helpful since Angel was a better cook.

“All right,” he said, pulling out the leftover barbequed chicken Alex and Valerie had made the night before, some tortillas, and a big bag of grated cheese. “Grab the avocados out of the fridge and make the guacamole.”

Sarah smiled in appreciation that he’d given her the easy task. She kissed his cheek then pulled the avocados out of the fridge. In the time it took her to cut up the avocados, dice everything that needed to be mixed into it, and mash it all up, Angel had already whipped up enough chicken quesadillas for everyone. They set everything up on the table and everyone dug in.

When they were all done, Sarah thought maybe they’d sneak away for a little bit, but then Sal announced he’d found some old videos he thought they’d all get a kick out of, so they all gathered round the television and watched as a grainy video started of the three brothers when they were very young staring into a cradle. Angel was the littlest one on his tiptoes, trying to get a better look.

“Aw,” Sarah said, smiling big. “How cute! You were being all nosey.”

“Yeah.” Valerie laughed. “Even way back then they were already all up in Sofie’s business.”

There was more footage of the three boys horsing around and then Sofie as the little princess, prancing in her Disney Belle costume. They all laughed as videos spanned from such a young age through the years. Sarah couldn’t get over how much their young dad looked just like all three boys.

There was also footage of Romero when he was much younger and all of them on their bikes jumping off ramps in the front yard. Romero sped by the camera several times.