She nodded again almost afraid to talk. What she’d finally been able to squash, after months of trying, suddenly resurfaced and nearly suffocated her: the doubt that Leonardo even with all his imperfections, questionable behavior, and appearance was actually real. He was her brother, and unlike her dad, he wanted to remain a part of her life—make up for all the years they’d lost. Now he was saying goodbye. This really had been too good to be true.

This time she didn’t hold back saying what she wanted to because something in her gut told her this really was the last time she’d be speaking to him. “I’ll miss you,” she managed to whisper.

His head dropped, and he stared at his desk without saying anything for a moment, and that’s when she knew. This was really goodbye. She wanted to ask him why. Why didn’t he at least want to try to stay in touch? Did he think it’d be too much of a chore to keep a relationship with his sister?

She didn’t understand what had happened. If she could speak, she’d ask him. Ask him why he’d been so impatient and anxious to meet her and now he was ending things? But with the boulder-sized knot in her throat, she couldn’t.

Finally, he looked up, his eyes as pained as she felt. “I’ll miss you too, baby girl.”

Sarah didn’t respond to that, and she knew there was no way he couldn’t see the pain in her flooded eyes. That’s why when he said goodbye one last time and cut their chat so abruptly, leaving her staring at a black screen, it felt like an even colder slap in the face.

Chapter 22


On the drive to pick up Sarah for their non-Valentine’s dinner, Angel remembered their first ever Valentine’s Day. It was a day he’d never forget. They were still in high school, and neither had ever actually celebrated the holiday before. While both agreed Valentine’s Day was nothing more than a commercial gimmick, it represented something different for them. Their first Valentine’s Day had come right on the cusp of the restart of their relationship. So even though Angel agreed with Sarah that they didn’t need a special day of the year to demonstrate their love for one another, for him it was a time for celebration, an occasion of the year he’d forever remember as happiest time in his life.

Regardless of the reasons everyone else celebrated Valentine’s Day, for Angel it represented a new beginning to their relationship and a new awareness that, yes, it was in fact possible to share Sarah with another guy—to a certain extent.

For weeks before that day back then, he’d lived with the heartache of believing Sarah had chosen Sydney, her childhood sweetheart, over him. He’d thought he didn’t stand a chance of competing with him since she’d willingly made a conscious decision that, no matter how serious things got between them, she was going back home and she was going back because of Syd.

So her decision to stay in La Jolla for Angel and hearing her say she loved him for the first time ever—after he’d been so tormented that she couldn’t say it because she was in love with Syd—would forever be the reason he celebrated this day.

Now he’d decided was a good time to add another reason. There was no doubt they’d get married after they graduated. They’d talked about it overtly, in front of others even, many times. They were having a big wedding, not just because it’s what Sarah had always dreamed of but because he already knew his family—most notably his mother—wouldn’t have it any other way. It wasn’t a matter of if. It hadn’t been for years. It wasn’t even a matter of when. It was happening the summer after they graduated, but Angel wanted to make it official. And he was doing so tonight.

As sure as he was that Sarah would be all for it, his stomach was still in knots as he got closer to her place. The moment she unlocked the door for him with her phone at her ear, he knew something was wrong. She barely acknowledged him as she opened the door, letting him in, and walked back into the living room with her phone at her ear.

“What do you mean he lied? He got out five years ago, and that’s what Omar said.” She brought her hand to her chest and stopped in the middle of the room. “And you’re absolutely sure about this?” She was quiet for a moment then spoke again. “But you said it was the same guy who showed up at your place, and my mom said she was certain it was him.”

Sarah paced the room, running her fingers through her hair. Angel took a step in front of her to stop her for a moment. “What’s wrong?”

She shook her head and turned around, walking the other way. “I know she did, but that was only because it’s been twenty years since she last saw him. It’s the only reason why she said she couldn’t be a hundred percent sure. And all of you said looking into his eyes was like looking into mine. How could he look so much like me? It makes no sense.”

Angel’s heart was already thumping but for an altogether different reason than it had been on his way there. He hated seeing Sarah this upset, and he hadn’t in a long time.

“No, I can’t, Sydney, because she’s not here right now. She’s out with Elias.” She let out a heavy sigh. “I know. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” She shook her head. “I didn’t mean to snap at you, but this is crazy. I don’t . . . I don’t even . . .” She finally stopped and looked at Angel, shaking her head, her eyes beginning to well up. “My dad is still in jail.” Angel stared at her, not sure if she was about to cry or spit. “He has been all this time. He got out five years ago like they said, but he was right back in within the year. Everything Leonardo and Omar, or whoever the hell that man was pretending to be my dad, said was bullshit.”