“I’d still be careful.”

“Of course,” she said, sitting up. “Whatever happens I’ll take baby steps and be cautious. It just . . .” She chewed on her pinky. “I guess it hasn’t sunk in yet. I have more family than just my mom and her sister’s family.”

“Yeah, that’s pretty crazy. Just remember, Lynni. Don’t go into this expecting too much. The novelty of meeting a long lost relative may wear off for both of them once they meet with you, and you all can lose touch again.”

“I know,” Sarah said, secretly hoping he was wrong. “I’m going into this expecting nothing. This way I won’t be disappointed.”

They spoke for a little longer until Angel showed up to pick her up. After telling him about the email and new information she had, Sarah brought the photos up on her phone.

Angel examined them as they stopped at a red light. “So we know for sure this is your dad, but this Leo guy is still not a sure thing.”

Nodding, Sarah thought about how she’d never even considered the possibility that he wouldn’t be. Since this was her dad and he was telling her this was his son, she just assumed it was true. Why would he lie? But she knew Angel. She also knew he’d always thought her to be far too trusting, so she wouldn’t admit that she felt certain this was her brother.

“My dad—” She caught herself because it felt weird. “Uh, Omar sent me Leonardo’s contact information so I can email him or call him and feel him out as well. Omar says Leonardo’s pretty anxious to meet me.”

Angel glanced at her as the light turned green, and he handed her the phone back. “That’s cool. Did you email him yet?”

“Not yet.”

They turned onto Angel’s street. They’d be hanging out at his place for the evening. “Just remember, babe. Don’t share too much about yourself with him until we’re sure this is all legit.”

He must’ve seen the look of disappointment on her face that he still wasn’t nearly as excited about this as she was. As soon as they pulled in his driveway and he turned off the car, he reached for her hand before she could get out, and she looked up at him. “C’mere,” he whispered, leaning into her and kissing her softly. “It’s probably all good.” He leaned his forehead against hers. “I don’t mean to rain on your parade or anything, but you know me. When it comes to you or anyone I care about, I trust no one. This dude’s anxious to get to know you and be part of your life.” He raised a brow, smirking playfully. “His ass better be your brother.”

Sarah smiled, remembering Valerie’s reaction to Leonardo’s photo but dared not mention it. She knew Angel was just playing and trying to make up for his skepticism and lack of enthusiasm about this. But she also knew he wasn’t kidding about trusting no one. Somehow she didn’t think mentioning that Valerie thought her brother was hot—a guy who may or may not actually be her brother and one she’d soon be communicating with maybe even skyping or talking on the phone with—was a good idea.

They went inside and out into the backyard where Angel’s brothers and Romero were already hanging by the pool table. Sofie and Eric stood behind the bar area as she giggled and whispered something into Eric’s ear. Sarah could only imagine what that girl must be saying to him.

Sofie looked up just as they reached the pool table. “Did you hear back from your dad yet?” she asked.

Sarah nodded, noticing how she had both Alex and Sal’s attention too. Angel hadn’t mentioned telling them about it, so she wasn’t sure if they knew. Sarah had told Sofie about it days ago.

“So what happened?” Sofie asked all bright-eyed.

Sarah sat across the bar on a stool and started telling her about it. She waited until both Eric and Angel had walked away to take their turn at the pool table before pulling out her phone and showing her the photos. Sofie immediately agreed the resemblance between her and her dad was spooky. Then she showed her the photo of Leonardo. “Holy shit,” Sofie whispered, taking the phone from Sarah for a closer look. “Well, hello.”

Glancing back at the guys, Sarah was relieved none had noticed. All three brothers were busy laughing at whatever Romero was telling them, and Eric was completely engrossed in making his shot. “This is your brother?” Sofie asked, her words still hushed, then glanced up at Eric and smiled sweetly.

Eric smiled back none the wiser as he turned to watch Angel take his shot.

“So it seems,” Sarah said. “I haven’t talked or heard from him yet, but I got his info. I’ll probably email him this weekend.”

“How exciting,” Sofie said, handing the phone back to Sarah then leaned in and whispered. “Leonardo is hot,” she said, staring at the photo some more. “A little scary-looking but . . . damn!”

Sarah smiled but made no comment. She glanced down at the photo of Leonardo again and had to agree. He was pretty hunky, and even though she’d just found out a week ago that she even had a brother, it still felt a little icky to be thinking of her brother that way.

Both Sal and Alex left, saying there was somewhere they each had to be, and Romero suggested they all go to Andolini’s to grab some pizza. At first, Angel protested that, with it being a Friday night, Andolini’s would be too packed, but he was outvoted and they headed out.

Since Valerie had asked Sarah earlier to let her know if they’d be hanging out anywhere without Alex to let her know, Sarah texted her. She smiled when Valerie texted back a while later that she and her friend were already there and she’d try and save them seats.