“Remember that?” Sal asked, pointing at the ramp Romero was circling in the video. “I don’t think we ever had a ramp you didn’t fall off of.”

“Or break,” Alex said with a frown.

The video moved on to their older years: their little league football practices and even video of Sofie and Eric hanging out off to the side while the boys played at the park on Easter. Sarah giggled inwardly at how clueless the brothers had been about Sofie and Eric being in love even way back when.

Then there was video of Sarah at her first Thanksgiving with the Morenos. “Oh wow.” She brought her hand to her mouth. “I didn’t even remember someone had been videotaping.”

She exchanged glances with Angel, remembering how that night had been their first time.

There was footage of her and Sofie running at several of their high school track meets her senior year. Some of them made Sarah blush because she won in several and they all cheered even now as if it were just happening. They all even looked as excited as they all did in the videos way back then. Then there was graduation followed by the party at the restaurant. There was a bunch of short videos of them all at their restaurant, Andolini’s, the bowling alley, the beach, and many of their bonfires. The videos of all of them hanging out everywhere seemed endless but brought back so many memories; some even choked her up.

The videos moved on to the ones from Facebook and Instagram, some of the ones Leonardo had told her he’d watched: Sarah and Valerie goofing off in front of the webcam then Sarah and Angel doing a dumb YouTube boyfriend tag that had Sarah laughing out loud and blushing.

Sarah hadn’t noticed there was music playing in the background. She was so busy and enthralled by all the old memories until she noticed the odd choice of song for videos of old times with friends—“My Girl” by The Temptations. It got a little louder with each slide and video that was shown, and she noticed too many of them were of just her or her and Angel being cute—cuddling—kissing.

She turned to look at Angel, wondering now if he’d put the video together and a little embarrassed that he’d make everyone sit through so many of what she was sure everyone else was thinking were cheesy videos and slides. Finally, it was over, and she felt a little relieved though she’d definitely be asking for a copy.

“Who put that together?” she asked.

“There’s more,” Sal said, hitting a few things on the tablet connected to the TV.

More recent video of all them started playing, including this past Thanksgiving and Christmas then Sarah and Angel’s big birthday bash with everyone from his family. Even the out-of-towners were present. The video had Sofie and Sal in front of a webcam, reminiscing about their big family. How they all had their quirks, but they’d never trade anything for it. Then Romero’s charades video played, and all of them nearly fell out of their seats laughing. When his clip was over, it cut away to him talking into his toothbrush and looking into the camera.

“I just wanna say even though I grew up an only kid I’ve never felt like it because I grew up with my brothers and sister, the Morenos and my boy Eric. I have mad love for all of you.”

Sarah turned to Romero, who smiled big, obviously happy with his addition to the tape, then noticed Sofie wipe away a tear.

Next there was the video of them the last time they’d come up on the slopes just a few weeks ago and the music started again. “We Are Family” mixed with something else but whoever mixed it didn’t do a great job because it had two completely different beats until “We Are Family” faded away and all that was left was the other song. “Marry You” by Bruno Mars was the only thing playing, and the video cut to Angel’s parents smiling and waving at the camera.

“Muchachita linda”—his mother blew a kiss with her hand, and then his dad smiled and said—“say yes.”

That’s when a mixture of confusion and nervousness started to flutter in Sarah’s belly, and she looked around, but strangely they were all staring straight ahead at the television.

Next were Sofie and Eric on the webcam again. “I’ve always dreamed of having a sister. And you’re a dream come true,” she said, clutching her heart with a big smile. “So say yes!”

Sarah smiled, instantly choked up. Then there were Alex, Romero, and Valerie at the restaurant, standing behind the bar, holding up drinks all smiling big. “Say yes,” they all said simultaneously as the music got even louder.

The kicker was seeing Sydney’s face on the screen in front of his webcam, and now Sarah clutched her heart, swallowing back the emotion. “You know I’d never steer you wrong, Lynni. You’ve always known how I feel about you being happy. So say yes.”

Sarah pressed her quivering lips together as the next one started. It was Sal, Mr. Serious, in front of the webcam in what appeared to be the back room of the restaurant. He smiled, showing his dimples. “I need another baby sister, sweetheart. My other one is getting way too feisty.” He smiled, making that dimple go impossibly deeper. “Say yes.”

Sarah was a mess now even as she laughed, wiping the tears away. Her mom’s face in the screen unable to keep from crying did it. “Oh my God.” Sarah gasped, bringing both hands over her mouth.

“Hey sweetie, her mom attempted to smile. “We’ve tried this so many times, and I messed every single shot up with my crying, so this is as good as it’s gonna get.” She sniffled as she began again, her voice breaking all over. “There is no doubt in my mind that you’d be beyond happy, and that’s all I’ve ever wanted for you.” She stopped to try and compose herself then managed to squeak the last part out. “So say yes.”