She hit something on her phone and brought it to her ear. A second later she let out a bitter scoff. “His voice mail still says Leo.”

She hung up then began texting something. Angel stared at her quietly as her fingers tapped down on the phone furiously. It wasn’t until she finished and looked up that he saw the tears, and it crushed his heart.

“Baby,” he started to say, taking a step toward her.

Her face crumbled, but she brought her hand up to cover her eyes. “I need a minute, please,” she said, rushing away toward the restroom.

With his heart aching for her as the restroom door slammed shut, he took a deep breath and brought his attention back to her phone. She’d left it sitting on the kitchen counter. He’d never been one to snoop at her texts or email, but he felt so desperate for the right words to say to her right now. He needed to know exactly what was going on in her head.

Glancing back at the restroom, he walked over to her phone and picked it up. The screen was still on the text she’d just sent so he read it.

I don’t know why I’m so surprised that you’re a complete fraud and an ASSHOLE! I just don’t get how people like you and that slime who pretended to be my father live with yourselves. You talked about the kind of people who prey on suckers like me and your so-called other sister. Well, I guess you knew exactly what you were doing because you really made me want to believe every word you said to me. You disgust me!

Angel put the phone down and walked over to the restroom door, trying to calm down for her sake. He knocked softly and waited. “You okay, babe?”


Her voice was strained, and he knew she was still crying. It was all he could do to keep from punching a hole through the door. He’d known from the beginning that there was a possibility that she might get hurt. Even though he’d warned her to not get her hopes up about this, he still should’ve done more. How the f**k had he not thought to look up her dad in jail—confirmed if, in fact, he was out or not?

“Listen, Sarah. You have every right to be upset with them, not with yourself, okay?” He placed his hand on the door, struggling not to fist it. “For all we know, they could’ve been planning this for years.”

The door opened suddenly, and she stood before him as he looked into her sad eyes. Though they were dry now, they were still all puffy and red. Immediately, he pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly, willing her pain away.

“I’m okay,” she whispered against his shoulder. “I just felt really stupid for a moment there. I even argued with Sydney that he had to be wrong.”

Angel pulled away slowly to look at her. “That’s not stupid, babe. It was wishful thinking. You were just hoping he was mistaken. Nothing wrong with that.”

Frowning, she shook her head and looked away. “My whole life I was fine without having siblings,” she said, looking back at him, her voice a near whisper. “It wasn’t until the possibility presented itself that I might actually have a brother that the idea began to excite me. Then I guess because he was so different than what I’d imagined he’d be”—she shrugged with a sniffle—“I guess I was expecting someone more normal or average looking—boring—like me.”

“You’re not boring, and you’re anything but average looking,” Angel said, raising an eyebrow.

“You know what I mean.” Her lip lifted sideways. “I wasn’t expecting anyone like Leonardo. It was stupid really, but when we talked that first day I was certain we’d have little to nothing in common. Our super long first chat should’ve been my first clue that it was all an act. He asked so many questions.” The sadness in her eyes was so crushing he couldn’t help but interrupt her with a kiss and a tight hug until she pulled away with a weak smile. “I don’t want this ruining our night. I was about to change when I got Sydney’s call. My hair and makeup.” She frowned. “I was ready otherwise. Just give me a minute to retouch my makeup.”

“Take your time,” he said, kissing her forehead one last time before letting her walk away to her room.

Minutes later, he sat flipping aimlessly through the channels on the TV in her front room, thoughts of Leo and Omar and what they possibly could’ve been after inundated his head. Why did they go through such lengths and then just disappear? Sarah walked out of her room in a candy red sweater dress that hugged her body just so and big heels. Angel had told her he was taking her somewhere nice for dinner, and since he’d never seen the dress on her before, he could only assume she’d bought the dress just for the occasion.

This would’ve been the perfect night to do what he’d originally planned, but given the circumstances, he wasn’t sure it was such a good idea to taint his proposal with the memory of it happening on the same night the reality of her almost sibling came to light.

Angel stood up, taking her in from top to bottom and smiled. “You look beautiful.”

Just as she’d begun to smile, her phone dinged. She glanced at her phone then back at him any sign of a smile gone now. With steps that appeared almost measured, she walked to her phone and picked it up. Tapping on the screen, she read the message but didn’t say anything, and Angel walked toward her slowly.

“Is that from Leo?” he asked cautiously, and to his surprise, she nodded, but her eyes were still glued to the screen.

Feeling his insides warm again, he calmly asked, “What did he say?”