“First of all,” Angel said, feeling irritated that Sal would insinuate Angel was making more of the photo than it really was. “It was inappropriate. If those shorts had hung even an inch lower, it would’ve been  p**n .”

Sal laughed before Angel could finish. “All right, whatever,” he said. “My point is I saw the guns on the guy. Even if his shorts hadn’t been hanging low in the photo, you wouldn’t have liked it. I’m just saying maybe he’s not the brightest. Don’t let that one slip cloud your judgment. If your gut’s right, then good for you for not letting your guard down, but if he’s legit, don’t be a stubborn ass. Sarah deserves to have a relationship with her brother regardless of your first impression of him.”

The conversation with the more level-headed of his two brothers hadn’t quite given Angel what he’d hoped for: justification for feeling as suspicious of Leo as he did. Sarah still hadn’t responded to his voice mail.

He was about to check a text from his coach when he heard Alex’s voice and some of the other guys on the team whooping and hollering. Angel looked up to see a smiling Alex walking toward him. “Let’s go check out this island,” Alex said.

“What?” Angel asked, confused as some of the other guys were high fiving each other behind Alex.

“You didn’t get the coach’s text?” Alex asked. “Tomorrow morning’s practice is still on, but the second practice tonight is cancelled. We’re free to do what we want tonight.” He turned to look at the guys behind him and lowered his voice. “Those idiots are actually talking about partying.”

Angel jumped up from where he’d been sitting, suddenly feeling energized but mostly relieved that their grueling second practice was cancelled. “I say we grab a cab and have him drive us around to check out the sites.”

“Fuck the cab.” Alex’s face soured as they walked out of the hotel. “We gotta a lot of time to make up for. Let’s go rent a helicopter.”


Back from his evening out in Waikiki with his brother, Angel was finally able to call Sarah back, who’d of course called when they were on the helicopter and there was no way he could answer his phone. After that, he hadn’t a moment far enough from Alex to have the conversation he knew he’d be having with her once he got a hold of her. But now that they were back, Alex had stepped out to do the very thing Angel wanted to do—make a call in private.

He hit the speed dial button and lay back on his bed. The last thing he wanted to do was argue. But he was still curious why she hadn’t told him about Leo being there. She hadn’t left a message, just texted him to call her whenever he got the chance. Just hearing her voice when she answered had him smiling instantly.

“Hey, baby,” he said, sitting up. “I was on a helicopter earlier when you called.”

She was quiet for a moment then responded. “Helicopter? I thought you said you had two practices today.”

“I did, but they cancelled the second one.”

“Who’d you go on a helicopter with?”

“Alex,” he said simply.

“Just the two of you?”

“Yep.” He smirked. “It was romantic as shit. We held hands and everything.” That made her laugh and he smiled. “God, I miss you.”

“I miss you too. We’re leaving super early tomorrow morning so we’ll be there in time to pick you two up from the airport. I can hardly wait.”

“You don’t have to, babe,” he said, the thought of seeing her tomorrow already exciting him. “I don’t want you guys racing home. That’s a long drive.”

She assured him they wouldn’t be racing. They’d have plenty of time if they left early in the morning. Angel hated to ruin their fuzzy moment, but he had to know or it’d drive him crazy.

“So why didn’t you tell me Leo was out there with you?”

“He didn’t get here until today,” she said. “I didn’t even know he was coming. I’d mentioned to him I’d be here, and then today he just showed up.”

“I saw the photos of you and him on the Jet ski.”

“Yeah,” she said almost in a huff. “I didn’t know Valerie would be posting so many of them.”

Angel gnashed his teeth once again to try and see the silver lining. With a guy like Leo driving Sarah around on his Jet ski, it was highly unlikely any other guys would dare mess with her. Unlike Valerie and the other girl who’d gone out there with them, the only photos of Sarah with any guy were the ones with her and Leo.

“So you had fun?”

“Umm.” She seemed to hesitate then continued. “It’s been an interesting day.”

He waited, but that’s all she gave him. “How so?”

Sarah exhaled rather dramatically, making Angel nervous. “First, we were invited onto that big boat you probably saw in the photos.” She paused, but he didn’t respond to that because he didn’t want ask who the f**k invited them.

He already had an idea—total strangers they’d probably just met. If he asked and was right, there’d be no holding back telling her what he thought about that, and he didn’t want this call to sour this quickly. Something in Sarah’s tone already told him he might be hearing something galling.

“Then,” she continued, “Leonardo showed up unexpectedly, and to be honest, his showing up was kind of a blessing. I didn’t really want to go on that boat, so he saved me from having to do so.”