“Not sure,” Monica spoke up quickly. “It’s our first full day here but also our last, so we’d like to make the most of it.” She turned toward the lake, shielding her eyes from the sun with her hand. “It’d be nice to get out on the water, but we don’t have a boat or Jet skis.”

All three guys smiled instantly. “You’re in luck, ladies,” Edmund said, “because we have both.”

Monica smiled brightly, looking at Valerie first then Sarah. Sarah clutched nervously at the strap of her beach bag, which hung over her shoulder.

“See that pontoon over there.” Edmund pointed at the huge blue party boat like so many out on the lake. There were other people already on it including dancing girls in teeny tiny bikinis. “That’s this guy’s boat,” he said pointing at Paul. “We’re headed out now. You’re welcome to come along. We have plenty of food and drink.”

Valerie turned to Sarah and shrugged with a smirk. It was obvious that Monica was already squealing inwardly. Sarah was glad she was wearing her sunglasses or they’d see the utter dread she was feeling. How the hell was she getting out of this? Edmund was already smiling at her a bit too friendly for her liking.

“Sure, sounds like fun,” Valerie said, and they all started slowly through the crowd toward the massive party boat. “You guys staying out all day?”

“All day,” Edmund said again, looking back at Sarah with a sly smirk. “We go way out then park in one of the coves and just hang out. So far out you girls can sunbathe topless—or even less—if you want.” Sarah and Valerie exchanged glances as Sarah’s stomach took another dive. “We tow the Jet skis with us so everyone takes turns or pairs up with someone and takes them out.”

Sarah didn’t even realize she was tugging at her beach bag again until Edmund turned to her and reached out. “Let me carry that for you, sweetness,” he said. “Is it getting heavy?”

“No,” she said nodding and grabbing on to her bag a little tighter.

Nervously, she lifted her glasses to the top of her head, instantly regretting it when she saw Edmund’s eyes go wide and his mouth open in a wide smile. “Wow, those eyes,” he said, staring at her.

The other two guys turned to look at her including Valerie. Like an idiot, she dropped the glasses back over her eyes, not wanting him to think she’d lifted them on purpose.

“Too bright,” she said, feeling her cheeks warm.

“No, wait, wait.” Edmund held his hand out. “Lift them up.” He turned to his friends. “Paul, check out her eyes.”

To Sarah’s horror, they’d all stopped walking and waited on her to lift her glasses. Even a few of the guys walking by who’d heard Edmund making such a big deal seemed to be waiting. Sarah lifted them quickly and saw Paul’s smile just fall.

Feeling her face on fire now, she dropped the glasses again, wishing they covered her entire face. Her mind raced to think of a way to get out of getting on that boat, especially now that both Edmund and Paul were looking at her the way they were. The second Paul turned away Edmund leaned in and whispered, “His ex has eyes like yours.” He chuckled. “Only yours pop out more because your hair and lashes are so dark. It’s not often you see eyes like yours on a brunette.”

He went on a little more about her eyes, but Sarah tuned him out. She watched as Valerie and Monica started taking off the shorts and sarong each wore over their bikini bottoms because it was time to walk out onto the enormous boat with the blasting music. Sarah lifted her glasses to the top of her head again, wondering if she should just stick them in her bag. She didn’t want to chance losing them if they fell in the water.

“Take off your sarong, Sarah,” Valerie said as she shoved her own in her bag. “We’re gonna be hip deep in water by the time we make it out to the boat.”

Looking around, Sarah gulped. She had her hotel key. She could say she wasn’t feeling well and head back on her own.

No fuddy-duddies.

“Yeah, take it off.” Edmund grinned.

With her stomach in a ball, she took her sweet time, putting her glasses in her bag, and then slowly started to untie the sarong knot at her waist.

Suddenly, she felt two big arms around her waist from behind, and she gasped, nearly losing her balance.

“Hey, baby girl, I’ve been looking for you.”

She turned to see Leonardo smiling. He pulled one arm away but kept a hand on her waist. Leaning into her ear, he whispered. “Something wrong? You look uncomfortable.”

She nodded but kept working on the knot, not wanting to look at Valerie. If Leonardo had picked up on her uneasy demeanor, no doubt her cousin would too.

Leonardo pulled her to him a little closer. Sarah thought Angel’s glares were intense, but Sofia had hit her observation of her brother on the nose. Leonardo’s glare bordered on scary. “What is it? These guys bothering—”

“No, no,” she said quickly, feeling the need to touch his arm. “Nothing like that. We just met them,” she whispered, turning her back to Valerie, Monica, and other guys. “They seem nice enough. I just . . . I don’t think Angel would be thrilled about me getting on this boat with them, and—”

“So don’t,” he said, taking her bag with authority, then looked up behind her. “We’ll catch up. I have a Jet ski.”

“Sarah, are you sure?” Valerie asked, her voice going high.