Sarah and Angel’s relationship, while seemingly perfect thus far, had by no means been a walk in the park. They’d had their share of drama, including the older girls in college who’d been waiting for Alex’s little brother to arrive on campus. Sarah had thought Dana pushy, but the girl didn’t hold a candle to the older girls who’d literally attempted to seduce the younger less-experienced Moreno brother more than once. This, knowing full well he was in a committed relationship. It didn’t help that some of these bitches were also cheerleaders like Dana. Only unlike Dana it wasn’t just one game a year they got to be around him. They were there at every game—home and away. At their away games, Angel hung out with Alex and the rest of the team afterwards. Sarah tried her damnedest to have faith that Angel would never fall into the temptation of some of these whores. From what Valerie had told her, it wasn’t just the frat parties that got crazy. The football after parties got pretty raunchy too with drunk girls flashing their tits, putting on a show for the guys by making out with each other, and then ultimately offering themselves up to them, sometimes in a form of a threesome.

“I know you trust Angel,” Valerie had said more than once. “But I think even a saint would be tempted by some of the things these skanks offer up so easily. Seriously, how many guys can pass up a girl rubbing her tits up in his face and offering to suck him like a  p**n  star?”

Valerie had also said it was a good thing that Angel was in agreement that neither he nor Sarah would frequent these parties solo. The exception seemed to be away games. The whole team would hang out somewhere after the game that would inevitably turn into what Angel and Alex referred to as a “hang out” not a party. But it had all the makings of a party from the photos Valerie had showed her that got posted all over the Internet: booze, music, and an endless array of drunken girls flashing their goods. Angel’s defense was always “It didn’t start off that way. We were just hanging out and more and more people started showing up.” Then he’d follow up his statement with “I left as soon as things started getting crazy.”

A few hours into Sarah’s shift, while she took a quick break in the back, drinking her vegetable fruit juice straight from the plastic bottle, Angel walked in hugging her from behind. He confirmed what she knew he might be annoyed or even worried about. “Just so you know,” he said, nuzzling the side of her face. “Regardless of the agreement Alex and Val have, I’d never approve of him messing with her head. It’s one thing if he did these things openly and didn’t care who knew. Obviously, he didn’t think you’d be here today, or I’m certain he wouldn’t have brought those girls in.”

“He started to tell me it wasn’t what it looked like,” Sarah said, turning around to face him, and tilted her head. “Why do you think he does this if he does care about it getting back to Valerie?”

Angel frowned, shaking his head. “I don’t know. I could ask him if you want.”

“No,” Sarah shook her head quickly. “It’s none of my business. But he has to know she will hear about this.”

Angel nodded as she took the last swig left of her juice and dropped the bottle in the waste basket. He tugged at her hand before pulling her to him then leaning her against the desk.

“For the record, he has let it slip in the past that he really does care about her. He just has a lot going on right now.”

Refraining from rolling her eyes, Sarah let Angel kiss her before pushing him away gently. His dad was there today and already he’d walked in on them messing around too many times. “Yeah, I can see he has his hands full.”

“That’s not what I meant.” Angel smirked.

Sarah got loose from him and walked over to put her purse away in the cabinet. Angel got caught up, checking something on the computer, and she took the moment to check her phone quickly for any missed calls or messages. She had another email from Leonardo, so she clicked on it curiously and read it.


I figured I bragged enough about this over the summer to everyone else. Might as well brag to my sis. I caught this whopper at Havasu last month. I didn’t even go there to fish. I was there to just party and kick it with friends, but someone handed me a pole, and I threw it in the water. It was my first time ever fishing and my first fish ever caught. I’d like to think this year is a first for a lot of things for me like talking to my sister and then meeting her for the first time. =)

Your bro,


Sarah smiled, clicking on the attachment he sent. It opened up to a photo of him shirtless again in swim trunks, proudly holding up a fish. He wore dark shades and a ball cap, but she couldn’t help miss the hard muscle on his bare chest all the way down to his v-cut muscles because his trunks hung so alarmingly low. Thanks to Valerie, she knew what those near obscene muscles were called. Angel had then later further clarified what they were actually called, when Sarah traced her fingers down his, telling him what an incredible turn on they were—lower oblique’s. Though Valerie liked to refer to Alex’s perfect ones as sex lines—lines she said she loved kissing all the way down to his . . .

Flinching when Angel opened the cabinet next to hers, suddenly Sarah turned to him just as he smiled inquiringly. “I scared you?” he asked then looked down on her phone that she curved the screen slightly out of his sight.

“No,” she said. “I was just distracted, reading another email Leonardo sent.”