“Larson House, how can I help you?”
“Hi, this is Creed. I’m calling to check the time on the clock in the common area. We’re trying to verify when a photo was taken,” Murphy explained.
The receptionist sounded puzzled but cooperative. “Sure, let me go check.”
“You just told her the truth, huh?” Tatum whispered. “I would have cooked up some story about my great aunt visiting her friend at the Larson House, and she couldn’t remember when she went, so she looked at the time on the picture, and then she rea–”
“Tatum,” Leo called. “Put a damn sock in it.”
Tatum pressed her hand to her mouth. “Sorry. Blame it on all of the books I read.”
We waited in tense silence, the only sound the ticking of the clock on the wall. I glanced at Creed, who was watching me with concern etched across his face. Finally, the receptionist came back on the line.
“The clock in the common area is showing the correct time. Is there anything else I can help you with?”
“No, that’s all. Thank you,” Creed said, ending the call. “So the clock is correct. That photo was definitely taken last month.”
I let out a sigh of relief but still felt a gnawing worry. But why was she with my mom then? What if she’s planning something for now?
Leo’s voice cut through my thoughts. “Jada, you need to stay calm. Candace wouldn’t risk being seen with your mom if she was planning something. It doesn’t add up. She’s just trying to scare you to make sure you don’t tell us she’s got you spying on us. When does she want to meet you tonight?”
“Eight,” Murphy answered. “Green Door Tavern.”
“That’s good,” Leo replied. “I would be worried if she wanted to meet at some remote building. There will be lots of people at the Green Door. I’m sure she just wants whatever info she can get from you.”
“But I don’t have any info,” I called.
“Yeah, you do. Tell her Creed told you I’m headed out of town for the weekend to St. Louis.”
“Uh, okay? What if she asks me why you’re going to St. Louis?” I asked.
“She won’t,” Leo promised. “She knows the information she gets from you will be limited.”
“You think she’s going to follow you to St. Louis?” Murphy asked.
“I think she’s already been there,” Leo announced.
“If you think she’s already been there, then why am I going to tell her that you’re going there?” I asked.
“Don’t worry about the why, Jada. Just tell her I’m headed to St. Louis,” Leo repeated.
“What if she wants more?” I asked.
“Just tell her what Creed’s been up to. Hell, throw in some shit about Murphy, too.” There was static on the line. “Just mention St. Louis.”
“I’ll take care of Larson House,” Creed called.
Leo nodded. “Good. I’ll get some people in place at Green Door.”
“Won’t Candace be able to spot anyone who works for you?” Tatum asked.
“We added some new people since we found out Candace was a roach,” Murphy explained. “There’s no way in hell she will know anyone in that bar works for Leo.”
I freaking hoped so.
“I’ll check in once I land.”
“You’re actually going to St. Louis?” Murphy asked.