Page 20 of Protected

I slumped in my seat and broke down crying.

Hail gathered me in his arms and pulled me over the center console. “Shh, babe. Everything is going to be okay. This must be weighing on you so much. I don’t know how you’ve handled it for this long.”

I didn’t know how I did either, but I had. And now I had Hail to help. “I’m sorry.” I buried my head in his chest, and he wrapped his arms around me.

“It’s going to be okay, Mary Jay. You’re protected by the Lost Mavericks now.”

Chapter Seven


“Of all of the clubs her dad could have fucked with, it had to be the Broken Jokers?” Crank gazed at the Broken Jokers clubhouse and curled his lip. “Fucking degenerates.”

I wasn’t going to argue with him on that.

Hobbs and the Broken Jokers were a level below scum in the biker community.

This morning, after waking up next to Mary Jay, I knew I had to get shit in motion. The longer the Broken Jokers thought they could take Mary Jay’s money, the more power they had.

Not any longer.

She, of course, tried to plead with me just to leave it alone, but I couldn’t.

It was one thing for the Broken Jokers to expect to be paid by Mary Jay’s dad since he was the one who had racked up all the debt, but it was something really fucking nasty to stick that debt on Mary Jay.

“We could just blow this hell hole up and call it a day,” Hollow suggested.

Forty raised his hand. “I am all for that.”

“Second that,” Showtime added.

“We’re not blowing up their clubhouse,” I grunted. This was not the first time blowing up the Broken Jokers clubhouse had been suggested.

It was actually the seventh time.

“We’re not sinking to their level,” Jersey agreed.

“Can I at least punch Trick once?” Yellow pleaded and pointed to his nose. “Just one good right hook to straighten out that nose of his.”

I shook my head and pushed my sunglasses on top of my head. “No. I promised Mary Jay I wouldn’t do anything illegal.”

“Is that what happens when you get an ol’ lady?” Line asked. “You make stupid promises and can’t have fun anymore?”

“Yeah, but you also get laid on the regular without having to worry about whose bed you are going to land in,” Forty pointed out. “I think that outweighs not being able to have illegal fun.”

Trick walked out the front door and motioned to us. “You guys gonna come in or just sit around talking like a bunch of chicks?”

“Just one punch, Hail. That’s all I want, and I can die a happy man,” Yellow pleaded again.

“No,” I growled. “Let’s just get this shit over with. We offer to take over the debt, and we head back to the clubhouse.”

“And if they say no?” Showtime asked.

I glanced at Yellow. “Then Yellow gets his wish.”

Yellow rubbed his hands together. “I hope they tell us to kick rocks so then I can smash in Trick’s face with one.”

We filed into the Broken Jokers clubhouse and gathered in their common room.