Page 6 of Protected

“You find out her name?” Tiger asked.

I nodded and grabbed my beer. “I did.”

“You gonna share it with us?” Tiger chuckled.

“You don’t need to know her name.” It was pretty much all I knew about her, and I wanted to keep it to myself until I really got to know her.

“Betty,” Tiger guessed.

I shook my head. “No.”

“Help me think of a hot girl’s name,” Tiger urged Crank.

“What the hell is a hot girl's name?” Crank asked.

Tiger wasn’t going to guess it. No way in hell.

“Ruth,” Crank guessed.

Tiger reared back. “What the hell, man? Do you have a thing for hot grandmas or something? Next, you’re going to suggest Martha or some shit.”

Crank tipped his head to the side. “I could get behind Martha. She sounds sweet, but once you get her into bed, it’s a whole other story.”

“You know a Martha?” I asked.

Crank shook his head. “No, but I have a good imagination. I bet Martha’s and Ruth’s are damn good in bed.”

Tiger frowned. “I worry about you, Crank.”

Crank smiled wide. “I wouldn’t, brother. I’m good.”

“Not if you think grandmas are hot,” Tiger muttered.

The front door opened, and Mary Jay walked in.

“Later, fucksticks,” I called. I drained the last of my beer and beelined straight to Mary Jay.

It had been hell waiting all day and night until I could see her again. I was a little worried that she wouldn’t be here tonight, but I figured she had to because the stairs in the back of the bar were the only way she could get to her apartment.

I made sure with the bartender.

Jake, the bartender, had been a little hesitant to talk to me about Mary Jay, but he warmed up to me after he realized I wasn’t looking to mess with her.

He didn’t tell me much because he didn’t even know her. He knew she worked at the local produce warehouse, and from what he could tell, she pretty much just stayed in her apartment or was at work. Never stopped for a drink or anything.

Her eyes were directed at the floor, but she gracefully moved through the crowd.

“Mary Jay,” I called softly.

She glanced up, and her eyes connected with mine.

“Hail,” she gasped. “Uh, are you going to block for me or something?”

I couldn’t help but smile. “You normally do pretty good on your own.”

She tipped her head to the side. “Uh, okay?”

“I, uh, last night wasn’t the first night I saw you.”