Page 22 of Protected

“Trick should really pay better attention to what is going on around him,” I suggested. “I found out about you taking advantage of her last night when I saw her with Trick.”

“She’s not getting out of what she owes us,” Hobbs insisted. “Her dad knew if anything happened to him, we would go after her.”

That's just another reason to dislike Mary Jay’s dad. I know she loved him, but man, did he fuck her over.

“Mary Jay is mine, so now her debt is mine. You will not talk or see her ever again.”

Hobbs laughed loudly. “You really think you are going to come into my clubhouse and just tell me what to do?”

“When you fuck with something that is mine, then yes, that is exactly what I am going to do. Leave Mary Jay alone, and I will pay her debt.”

Hobbs snickered. “She must be a good piece of ass if you’re willing to pay a hundred grand for her.”

He was trying to rile me. I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of seeing me upset. “She only owes you seventy-five grand.” I nodded to Jersey, who stepped forward.

“We have twenty grand today, and we’ll have the other fifty-five to you by the end of the month.” Jersey pulled out an envelope and held it up. “You get the last payment, and you never talk to Mary Jay again.”

Hobbs cleared his throat and squinted at the envelope. “There is interest.”

I shook my head. “No, there fucking isn’t. I shouldn’t even be paying you this, but I know you’re like a fucking roach that won’t go away. We pay you; you slither back into your hole.”

“And what happens if I say no?” he asked.

“We blow up your clubhouse.” I pointed at Yellow. “He’s hoping you say no.”

Yellow winked at Hobbs.

Hobbs growled like a dog but held out his hand. “The fifty-five better be here by noon on the thirty-first, or I’ll be the one blowing up your clubhouse.”

I nodded. “Fair enough.”

Jersey handed Hobbs the money, and he ripped it open. “Get the fuck out!” he shouted. “And don’t be a minute late with your last payment.”

I shook my head but didn’t say anything. We weren’t going to miss the deadline to pay Hobbs. We already have the fifty-five set aside for him, but I wasn’t about to pay him all at once. He could wait.

We filed out of their hell hole of a clubhouse and headed to our bikes.

“That went well,” Jersey called.

It went the way I figured it would go.

Hobbs was a complete fuckstick, but he wasn’t dumb.

He knew if he didn’t take the deal I made, he would be dead by the end of the day.

He got his money, and Mary Jay got peace of mind.

Some would say he got the better end of the deal, but I would disagree.

Mary Jay, happy and safe, was all I needed.

Chapter Eight

Mary Jay

He was there.

Just like always.