Page 9 of Shadows and Desire

“You should call the police.”

“Don’t bother feigning concern. I’m in a safe place with people who aren’t looking to fuck me over like you and Ron.”

"I didn't know what he had planned, Eric. I've been trying to find you." He pleaded.

"Tell Ron to stay away from me because the next time I see him, I am going to fuck him up good. He won't know what hit him, and he will never forget it." Eric was angry, and he was getting it all out.

"Ron didn't mean it, Eric."

"Shut up! Ron is a psychopath, and the next time he comes near me, I will beat the piss out of him; that little fucker is going to pay. Maybe I'll hire someone to do it like he hired Cal and Rule." He threw that in for shock value.

"Calm down, Eric. You don't know what you're saying." With that, Eric hung up. He had no desire to listen to Chester defending that psycho. That was followed by Chester sending him a bunch of texts, still trying to defend his fuck buddy. Eric set the phone aside because he was not in the mood to engage.

"That was impressive." Kannan entered with a smile and a tray of light snacks. Seeing the food made Eric's stomach growl. "I knew you must be hungry," Kannan said and set the tray next to Eric on the bed. He fluffed up the pillows behind him and helped him into a comfortable sitting position.


Kannan put together a tray of sandwiches, fruit slices, nuts, oat bars, and a few other things he had handy in his fridge and cupboard. Eric claimed he wasn't hungry, but he needed to eat something, and Kannan hoped something on this tray would appeal to him.

He paused outside the door, listening as Eric took a chunk out of his friend and made some well-placed threats against the boyfriend. Kannan was glad to hear that he wasn't feeling like a victim and that he wasn't afraid to stand up for himself. His beloved was quiet and reserved but he was no push over. He stepped into the room just as Eric closed the call with a few choice expletives. He smiled and watched as Eric blushed, and it was simply lovely.

Eric sat up and Kannan placed the tray next to him and took a seat in the chair next to the bed. He loved having his beloved there in his quarters watching over him, caring and providing for him, but he knew it was about to end. "If you need help with Ron, let me know." He commented casually.

"Thanks, but I want to be the one to deal with Ron." He finished one sandwich and picked up another, which pleased Kannan. "The guy has been getting on my nerves for a while now, but I never thought he'd go so far as to risk my life. I don't know why he would do such a thing."

"He didn't care and assumed no matter what happened, it wouldn't get back to him in any way. He could set you up and stand back and enjoy the show without any responsibility. Whether you lived or died was not important to him, and he probably never gave it a thought." Kannan stated flatly that, having known people like Ron, he knew that attributing too much thought and care to such an individual was a waste of time.

"That's really dark," Eric responded in a whisper.

"Reality is sometimes more shadow than light."

"That's dark, too," Eric said with a grin, and Kannan couldn't help but smile. His beloved was a treasure. "So why don't you tell me about yourself, Kannan Lieth." He grabbed another sandwich and leaned back on the pillows while capturing Kannan with that deep blue stare.

"I'm originally from Boston and worked for the Clinesmith organization until there was a leadership change. I then moved around, lived in several different states, and traveled in Asia before finding a little stability in Austin, Texas. Worked private security." Kannan was giving the highlights without giving too much away. "Nikolas Hadden put out the word that he was looking to increase his security force, and here I am."

“You’ve always worked security?”

"It's what I know, and it's what I do." Kannan wasn't sure if Eric was commenting or criticizing. He couldn't read his beloved as easily as he could read everyone else.

“I think that is an admirable career choice. You get to help people and feel like what you do is important.” Eric glanced away before adding. “I design video games and do freelance graphic art. I don’t protect anyone or make the world a better place.”

"It's what you know, and it's what you do. Art is as important as food and water. A life without art and entertainment is also a dark place."

“Thank you for that.” Eric reached out and took Kannan’s hand in his and gently held it. “What are we doing here, Kannan?”

“You’re having a bite to eat and we’re sharing information about ourselves. It’s your turn to share.” Kannan wanted to keep him talking but not delve too deeply right now. Eric needed to relax and get strong and not stress out the details.

"I was born in Pittsburgh, the only child of an older, middle-class couple.” That was a very sterile depiction of life. “My parents moved to Florida after I graduated. It was their dream to retire there. I work from home and probably spend too much time on my own, but I like it. Chester is an electrician and works with local contractors.”

"I don't think Chester intended for you to get hurt." Kannan felt the desire to put Chester in a better light. It was obvious that he and Eric were close friends. "Does Chester have family here?"

Eric shook his head. "His dad took off years ago, and his mother remarried when Chester was fifteen. It wasn't good for Chester the guy was a dick. Chester and I rented the apartment together after graduation."

Eric looked a little nostalgic and reached for his phone. “Chester broke up with Ron.” He sounded relieved. “He said I can come home, and Ron is never coming back. He’s sorry for letting me down.” The smile Eric wore was heartwarming.

"I'm glad he heard you and put your friendship first," Kannan told him and squeezed his hand.

“I should go home.”