Page 4 of Shadows and Desire

The rain continued to pound, making the stone wall glisten. He pushed his wet hair out of his face and moved to check on Eric. He hoped he had intervened soon enough, and they hadn't hurt him too badly. He was soaked to the skin when he got to him lying there on the cold ground and Kannan had a strange tremor course through his body as he took a breath and reached out to roll Eric onto his back.

Kannan's hands shook as he smoothed the hair back from Eric's face and looked down into that soft expression. It was the face of an angel, and the significance of this man hit him like a hammer between the eyes. If he'd known who Eric was, those wolves would have never been allowed to run away. Even now, he fought with his instincts to go after them and make them pay for their treatment of his most beautiful beloved. The rain had washed away the smell of the wolf and the bar and left the scent of cinnamon and vanilla the scent of his beloved.

He could feel that Eric was hurt and needed to be seen by a doctor soon. The knock he received on the head had rendered him unconscious, and the following assault had caused cuts and bruising and perhaps broken bones. The more he studied his beloved, the more his anger grew, and he knew that sooner or later, he would be compelled to hunt down the shifters who did this. Again, he cursed himself for letting them go, but he couldn't leave Eric.

“You’ll be okay my sweetheart. I’ll take care of you.” Kannan assured him as he lifted the rather small man into his arms and headed to his vehicle parked a few blocks away. Eric wasn’t moving but he was breathing, and his heart held a steady beat and that was a great relief.

Kannan called his commander, Micheal, and let him know he was bringing a human to his quarters. He asked that a doctor be present as the human was injured. When asked why, he shared with his commander that the man, Eric, was his beloved.


He reclined the passenger seat and got Eric as comfortable as possible before buckling him in and getting into the driver's seat. His beloved was wet and cold and injured, and it was making him crazy. He wanted to kill those two wolves and heal his beloved, but all he could do was get him home and try to comfort him.

His happiness over finding his Fated love was overshadowed by the fact he did not recognize him in the bar when they were standing side by side. Those stupid fucking wolves had covered him in scent, masking who he really was to Kannan. He could have prevented every bit of this had he known.

The familiarity and ease he felt with this man made sense now. The universe was trying to tell him he was important, but he'd missed all the signs until, finally, the truth had to slap him in the face.

Kannan took several deep breaths and reached over and took Eric's hand. He was glad he knew his name, at least, although he didn't know his last name. He would get all that information once he had him back at the Imperial.

His phone rang, and he answered. "Did you need help? Are you coming back inside?" It was Gage.

"I followed those two shifters. They had their sights set on that small human."

“How did it turn out?” Gage laughed.

“I took care of the shifters, but they hurt the guy pretty badly. I’m taking him back to the Imperial.”

"Why the Imperial? Just take him to the hospital and drop him off." Gage said rather dismissively but soon changed his tone.

“He’s my beloved." That was all he had to say, and Gage was suddenly one hundred percent supportive of anything Kannan felt he had to do.

“Is there anything I can do to help?” He offered.

"He was sitting with a guy named Ron and another person besides the two wolf shifters. I think they were sitting a couple tables to your right." Kannan had some suspicions about Ron, but Gage was very skilled at getting information. "I'd appreciate it if you would find out what you can about him and their relationship. Try to do it without them knowing there was trouble. I think they might have set him up.”

"Will do, and congratulations on finding your beloved."

"Thanks." They closed the call, and Kannan glanced over at his beloved laying there so small and vulnerable it broke his heart that he'd had to face those two brutes in the alley all by himself. He must have been so scared. He pushed the thick, wavy blonde hair out of Eric's face once again and ran his fingertips down his cheek and across his jaw. He was so beautiful.

He thought he was beautiful in the bar and had felt drawn to him from the moment he walked up and stood beside him. At the time, he figured it was simply an attraction, but now he knew it was Fate. The need to protect was strong, and when the shifters followed him out of the bar, Kannan had to follow as well, and he was damn glad that he had.

They pulled into the underground garage at the Imperial and parked. Master Hadden's driver, Ellis, ran up to the car and assisted him in getting Eric out of the seat and into his arms. It struck him then that Eric had not stirred, and he became increasingly worried.

“He’ll be okay Kannan.” Ellis told him in a tone that made him believe. “He’s young and strong and he has you with him. He’ll be okay.” Kannan nodded appreciating his assurances but still feeling like he’d let his beloved down. “The doctor is waiting for you in your quarters.”

“Thanks.” He said and rushed for the elevators with his little love clutched in his arms. He stared at his sweet face and his heart skipped a beat realizing that his life was about to get larger and richer. He stood still and silent in the elevator and dropped a brief kiss to Eric’s forehead as the doors of the elevator slid open and he stepped out onto his floor.

His quarters were just a few steps away, and he quickly entered, seeing that the doctor and several others were waiting at the door. He carried him to the main bedroom, laid him down on the bed, and stepped back as the medical personnel took over.

He was glad they accommodated him and did not insist he take Eric to the medical center in the basement. He could take better care of himself in his quarters, and he needed to keep the young human close, especially in his vulnerable condition. He stayed as close as possible but out of the way of those treating him.

“It’s hard, I know.” He was brought out of his concentration by the presence next to him. Master Hadden stood there with him and laid his hand on his shoulder for a few seconds giving him the strength and support he needed in this difficult moment. “Dr. Langley is highly regarded your beloved is in good hands.”

"It was such a shock," Kannan stated, still feeling that he hadn't measured up as he should have during the crucial moments.

“It always is.” The Master responded with a knowing smile. “Fate never makes it easy, but she always makes the work so worthwhile.”

"His first name is Eric, but that is all I know about him." The doctor turned and spoke to him, drawing his attention.