“There is no reason for me to be there.” He stated clearly. “You two go out and have a good time.” Eric turned his back and grabbed a package of cookies from the cupboard. He was a stress eater and Chester, and his boyfriend were stressing him out.
“Ron will drive me crazy all night discussing you and your lack of social life if you do not come along. You won’t have to stay just one drink and then leave.” Chester was adamant, and Eric believed him when he said that Ron would drive him crazy. He didn't like it, but he agreed to go and have one drink and one drink only.
"Good, good." Chester was relieved. "I'll tell Ron." He was smiling when he left the kitchen. Eric wasn't smiling, and he was growing tired of Ron's constant interference. Eric and Chester had been roommates for about three years, ever since graduating high school, and Ron had been on the scene for only about eight months. Chester's previous boyfriends couldn't give two shits about Eric, and he liked it that way.
“Meet us at the Ruby Light at nine.” Ron stuck his head into the kitchen and gave Eric the orders.
"Nine thirty." Eric just needed to be contrary and exert a little power. Ron narrowed his eyes for a split second and then agreed. When those two finally left, Eric gave a deep sigh of relief. He really liked Chester, and he was an easy man to live with, but Ron made everything difficult and uncomfortable. The man complained about everything, had issues with everyone, and constantly demanded his own way.
He wasn’t Eric’s boyfriend, and it wasn’t his job to coddle him. This was the last time he’d bend to that guy or give into Chester’s pleas. The whole thing was ridiculous and unnecessary. Eric worked from home, designing video games and freelance graphic work.
He spent a lot of time in the apartment in his room because that’s where his job was located. All his equipment was in his room because he had the largest bedroom with an ensuite. When he left, he could lock the door and not worry about some rando that Chester let in messing with his equipment. Just because he spent a lot of time at home didn't mean he had no social life, and besides, it was not Ron's business.
He checked himself in the mirror and realized he needed to do some preparation before heading out later. He'd worked a lot of hours the last few days, and it showed. He wondered if he had time to get a haircut. He had several hours, so he probably had time. Damn, he wished he could have said no to those two, but maybe he'd have a good time or at least a tolerable time.
Master Hadden put in a call to his second in command, Josef, to check on the situation at the lodge and to update Josef as to the status of Pittsburgh and the quest to find a Charmer.
"Zac has networked with covens throughout the nation and beyond, and so far, no one has information on a charmer. Battiste believes he may have a lead, but it is not in this realm." Josef informed and then added. "Everyone has stepped up, and they're doing their absolute best and more. The membership is exemplary. We could not have a better bunch of people to be going through this with, and that includes the new members."
“I agree we have been very fortunate in the caliber of people who answered my call. An extra two hundred strong and capable soldiers will help maintain this city and hold back the insidious blight that threatens us. We are privileged in so many ways and I try to remember that.” Nik appreciated both the strength and resilience of his people during this crisis.
“Walker misses you Nik, desperately.” Josef told him and waited a few seconds for Nik to be able to answer. Emotions were raw among those separated from their beloveds.
"I miss him too," Nik finally said, his emotion thick in his words. "My entire body aches for him." He paused for a moment and then added. "I'll visit over the weekend. The new people are settled and have received their assignments. Tell him to pack because he's coming home with me. I need him here."
“He needs you too. It will be good to see you, Nik.”
“I’ll leave tomorrow and arrive sometime in the evening. I’ll keep you posted.
“See you then. Safe travels.”
Kannan walked into the Ruby Light and the first thing he noticed was the atmosphere. It was lighter and easier than most establishments and he attributed it to the number of people, his people inside trying to have a good time. It made him smile and relax knowing he was among his own.
Gage quickly waved him over to his table, which was already nearly full. "I'll take a seat at the bar for now," Kannan told him. He headed to the bar to order and find a seat. He recognized most of the clientele and the staff, too, for that matter. The Hadden Coven owned the Ruby Light, and it was staffed by coven members. These members chose not to evacuate to the mountain lodge and volunteered to maintain the coven businesses.
They were well protected and resided at the Imperial with the soldiers. Everyone resided at the Imperial Club and no one still within the city lived on their own. The threat of the curse and the power it gave to the darkness made it imperative that the members still in the city reside together in one spot that could be effectively defended in case of emergency.
He sat and drank his gin and surveyed the room. The doors constantly opened and closed as people came and went in a sea of activity. Kannan closed his eyes for a moment and simply felt the energy churning around him. It was positive and hopeful and spiked with anticipation. He enjoyed the pleasant vibe of the room and the people and then suddenly something changed.
He snapped his eyes open and searched the room, but nothing looked different. He felt a tightening in his gut that warned him that something was happening or was about to happen, and he always trusted his gut. Someone was there who hadn't been there before.
Eric walked through the doors at nine-thirty, and the place was absolutely packed. He hated crowds, and this place was beyond crowded. Several people bumped into him, knocking him back and forth as he made his way deeper into the room. Chester came up to him and grabbed him by the arm.
“I’m glad you made it.” He spoke loudly over the music that was playing. “We’re over here come on.” He kept hold of Eric’s upper arm and steered him over to a booth in the back. Ron was there and two men that Eric was not familiar with were also there.
Ron jumped up and motioned for Eric to sit. He shook his head no since it would put him right next to one of the guys he didn’t know, and Eric didn’t want to get trapped in a booth. He grabbed a chair and pulled it up to the end of the booth and sat down.
"You are so ridiculous, Eric," Ron whined and shook his head as he moved over to the other side of the booth and sat down next to Chester. "This is Cal and Rule." He introduced the two men who were obviously sizing Eric up. "Two new friends I met when we arrived." That sounded suspicious, and Eric suddenly felt his anxiety spiking.
Ron then turned to the two men and introduced Eric. The one called Cal reached out his hand to Eric, and although his intuition told him to ignore it, his good manners had him taking the man's hand. "Pleased to meet you, Eric." The man said, his tone confusing, and the way he traded glances with his friend caused Eric's gut to tighten further.
Eric abruptly stood and looked toward the bar. "I'm going to get a beer." He said and started toward the bar, and before he knew it, Cal was at his side.
“I’ll go with you.” He said and fell into step beside him.
Kannan was ordering a second gin and tonic when Michael, his commander, walked up and sat beside him. Kannan sat a little straighter in his seat and gave him his full attention.