Page 17 of Shadows and Desire

When Kannan took him in his arms, Eric broke, and all the fear and panic that had engulfed him came rushing out in shaking and tears. "I'm sorry I didn't stay with you. I was so scared, Kannan. Don't ever leave me again." He couldn't stop the flood that overtook him.

"I will never leave you." Kannan held him and, let him release the pain and gave him time to calm and center himself.

"Thank you for saving me." Eric wanted to say that first, but his fear took over at first, and he needed to apologize and beg him to stay. "I felt you in my thoughts. You were there, keeping me sane and somewhat calm, considering." He glanced over at Ron with a look of disgust. "He thought he could trade me, and they'd just let him go, but that's not how it worked out. He hurt Chester." His thoughts were coming out in a jumble.

"Chester is awake and okay. I have a friend with him, don't worry."

“When I went home, I started packing. I want you to know that I was planning to come back. Even though I didn’t know what I was doing I knew I needed to stay close to you.” Kannan slipped off his suit jacket and put it around Eric and the scent and the feel was like heaven. He put in a quick call and then bundled Eric up into his arms.

"Let's go home." He said, and Eric nodded.

"Let's go home," Eric repeated.

Kannan was about out of his mind when he came through the door and saw Eric half naked, trembling, and those bastards standing over him. Death took over, and there was no stopping him from killing every wolf in the room. Decker shifted, thinking his wolf would be strong enough to take him out, but Kannan was in a rage, and a vampire soldier in a red rage was unstoppable.

Cal didn't stand a chance, and he took particular pleasure in ending that piece of shit. Decker was better prepared but still not up to the challenge and, like Cal, went down hard. Seeing him with his hands on Eric made ripping his throat out that much sweeter.

He worried that Eric would be traumatized by the violence, but he seemed to weather it. Kannan could sense relief and a shade of uncertainty from him. His beloved was pragmatic and logical in his thinking, so he would work this out, Kannan had no doubt.

He called Kristof before leaving the warehouse and let him know what happened. He told Kannan to take care of his beloved and not to worry about the wolves. He would handle what was left of them. He also said he'd take care of Ron. Eric hadn't asked about Ron, but if he did, Kannan would tell him the truth. Ron would, most likely, have his memories wiped clean, and he'd be dropped somewhere near the hospital. He was a despicable man, but Hadden didn't kill humans unless absolutely necessary because it caused too much scrutiny. Wiping their minds usually took care of the problem.

They drove home in relative silence, Eric holding him tightly and repeatedly asking him never to leave. It would take a little while for Eric to accept that he was safe and for his logical mind to take over. Kannan would help him every step of the way.

"I will never leave you, my love, I promise." He leaned over and kissed the side of his head, and Eric tightened his grip.

"I love you, Kannan. You're in my heart and a part of me now. Please don't ever leave."

“I love you too Eric you are my love and my center, and I will never leave you.” He just kept reassuring him and giving him what he needed.

He carried him up to his quarters and sat him down on the chair in the bedroom. “I want to get the smell of those wolves off you so I’d like for us to shower are you well enough?”

"Yes, I'm fine, and I'd love to get wet and naked with you." That was his beloved back to himself. The cheeky grin was back.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Get naked." Eric tossed his jacket on the floor, followed by his jeans and briefs. He was naked in under ten seconds. "You are so gorgeous." Kannan reached out to him, but Eric stepped back.

“Your turn.” Kannan wasted no time in shedding his clothes and enjoyed the way Eric watched his every move. He was down to his briefs when he suddenly slowed down and began some moves that had his beloved panting and stroking his growing hardness.

"Keep touching yourself, baby. You're making me hot." Eric stroked and then reached around and began fingering himself, and Kannan thought he was going to die on the spot.

"Oh my God, baby, show me more." Eric rolled his head back and moaned. Kannan stripped off his brief and gave his cock a few firm strokes. "Come here." Eric moved slowly toward him, and just as he stood before Kannan, he looked up at him, smiled, and then dropped to his knees.

He moved Kannan’s away and took his hardness between his lips. The touch hit him like a lightning bolt. He ground his teeth together and closed his eyes. When he looked down, he saw his length going in and out of that luscious mouth. He also saw that Eric still had several fingers buried in his own ass, stretching and preparing himself, and the scene struck him as heart-stopping.

He thrust several times, going deep, and Eric took all of him. "I need to be inside you, baby." Kannan pulled back, and Eric tried to follow, but he lifted Eric to his feet. "Come with me, my love."

Kannan adjusted the water temperature and the pressure and then stepped into large expansive shower. He held out his hand to Eric who took it and stepped in beside him. Kannan pulled him into his arms under the warm spray of the shower and drank in the peace and beauty of his beloved.

Eric pressed his face against Kannan's chest, and Kannan ran his hands down Eric's back to press him closer and to grind his hardness against Eric's soft abdomen. "I love how you feel and how you smell."

"You smell good, too, and you taste amazing," Eric responded. They held each other tight, reveling in the moment as the water continued to cascade down their bodies. It was both relaxing and stimulating in equal measures.

Kannan released him and gently turned him toward the wall, indicating that he should brace himself there. Eric placed his palms against the warm tile and teasingly stuck his ass out toward Kannan, who gave it a loving little swat before stepping up to press his hard cock against his waiting, moist hole. "You look ready and wanting my love." He whispered against Eric's shoulder.

"Don't make me wait." Eric's breathy response sent a thrill through Kannan, and he stepped back slightly and plunged his fingers inside, stretching the tight muscle to make sure he was prepared. "I'm ready." Eric panted, and Kannan continued to prepare him, not wanting any pain to get in the way of their pleasure.

Once satisfied, he pulled out and placed the tip of his throbbing cock against Eric's needy entrance. Eric lifted himself and pushed back, wanting to force Kannan inside, but he waited, teasing him with just the tip before abruptly thrusting inside, slamming to the base, and holding himself there. He gripped Eric's hips to control his movements.

Eric groaned and dropped his head, taking in the sensations flooding his body. Kannan pulled out and slammed back inside again and again, picking up speed with each thrust. The tight embrace of his beloved scattered his thoughts, bringing his focus to their heated, sensual connection. "Yes, yes." Eric chanted, trembling under the onslaught of pleasure and the sharp sensations rushing through him.