Page 13 of Shadows and Desire


Kannan was so in love with that cute little human that he could hardly think straight. Every thought was swirling around Eric and how to convince him to be a permanent part of his life. Having him say the words so easily and without fear was the icing on the cake. He declared his love without needing to qualify it or explain it away he just said what he was feeling and that was another reason why he was falling so hard for this little, vulnerable human.

He took a quick shower in the spare room and dressed before heading to the kitchen and placing his breakfast order. He would have to make sure to have some groceries delivered so there were food and drinks available for his beloved.

The sandwiches he made last night were a hit so he would have more sandwich options there for him. Kannan wasn’t sure of his taste as yet, but he was getting an idea. Eric was obviously not a picky eater having polished off the tray of odds and ends that Kannan had pulled together.

He was in the kitchen setting out their breakfast and making coffee when his phone rang. “Hello.”

"Just an update on the wolves who assaulted your beloved," Kristof stated and then continued. "They and a portion of their crew, including their alpha wannabee Decker, are living in the building that housed the old Red Crescent Lounge in the lowlands. That place has been closed for years ever since Master Hadden started cleaning up the area."

"I patrol the southern part of the lowlands, and since the hex came to town, the lowlands have been getting steadily worse and steeped in shadows and blood. It's a nasty part of town." Kannan commented.

"Yes, the hex has been having a negative effect on susceptible places like the lowlands and idiot people like the wolves. They haven't done anything bad enough to warrant expulsion from Hadden territory, but they're getting close." Kristof sounded irritated by the fact he couldn't just send them packing. "Gage and Mael have located Rule, and if you want to join the interrogation, meet us at the warehouse in two hours."

“Thanks, I’ll be there. Any information on Cal?”

"Not yet, but we're confident that Rule will lead us to Cal." He closed the call and finished setting up breakfast just as Eric entered the room, looking all fresh and tasty.

"Come and have a seat, my love." Kannan took him into his arms and kissed him before helping him get seated at the table. They finished breakfast in relative quiet, and Kannan was glad to see that his beloved had a healthy appetite. He poured coffee, and they moved from the table to the living room.

"I'd like for you to move in here with me. We can pick up your things later today and get you situated before nightfall." Kannan decided to voice his intentions and see what Eric had to say. From what he could read, Eric was mellow and accepting of everything they'd discussed and of the incredible things Kannan had told him. His heart was open, and his mind was working through it all.

"I want to be with you, but it might take me a bit longer to relocate. I need some time to think and organize before making such a move." That was not what Kannan wanted to hear, but he understood. He nodded and sipped his coffee while reaching out to Eric with his mind.

He was hesitant but not averse to the idea his feelings were a mixture of want and uncertainty. He trusted Kannan, but he didn't trust himself or his ability to make good decisions.

Kannan reached over, took his hand, and squeezed it. "Do you trust me?"


"I trust you too." He raised his hand to his lips and kissed it. "Take the time you need but know that I cannot be without you for very long. We are newly bonded, and as a vampire, I am hard-wired to attach to my beloved. It's how Fate makes sure the union is strong and will grow as intended." He paused, wanting to choose his words correctly.

“This isn’t off the cuff or a sudden infatuation it is a connection so deep and meant to span a lifetime and more. I will love you for the rest of your life and the need to be near you will always be a part of me.” He stared into Eric’s deep blue gaze and saw the desire that was there but also shades of uncertainty remained.

He had to give him the time he asked for, but it was going to be miserable. He should have been prepared for this, but he wasn’t. His own overconfidence based on their time together over the past two days had led him here. Eric was human, and it was natural that he would ask for time.

"I'm sorry," Eric said, moving closer to Kannan, obviously having picked up on his disappointment.

“You have nothing to be sorry for. I put a lot on you last night and this morning and you will need time.” Kannan tried to be supportive, but his vampire nature was demanding they grab Eric and leave but that was not possible. Humans were tricky creatures, and a wrong move now could prolong this process much longer than Kannan was prepared to tolerate.

"I want this too. I want there to be a you and me, but I have to think about moving in with you. It's fast, considering we literally just met. I'm not saying no; I'm just saying, let me think." Eric was struggling, and Kannan didn't want his beloved to be stressed. He took him into his arms and buried his face in the crook of Eric's neck. He drank in his lovely scent and let it calm him and fill him with peace.

"I have to leave soon; Rule has been located, and I want to speak with him regarding your attack." That information had Eric stiffening and digging his fingers into Kannan's sides. His fear was taking over, but Kannan held him and channeled his calm. "Nothing to fear, Eric. I will deal with him, Cal, and anyone else involved. That pack of wolves has no place in the Hadden territory."

"Werewolves," Eric said the word.

"Yes, not all are like those two reprobates. Most are decent people." Kannan responded.

"Werewolves," Eric repeated. "This is a strange new world you have presented to me, Kannan Lieth.

“Too strange.” He asked.

“No, I can handle it.” There was a smile in his voice, and it was the sweetest gift.


It was hard saying goodbye to Kannan, but he knew it wouldn't be for long. As much as he asked for time, his heart kept screaming that this was right and that Kannan was his destiny. He'd called Chester and asked for a ride home and was waiting out front of the Imperial.