Page 2 of Malone's Fate

Tanner showed her how to throw it as she watched with deep concentration, biting her lower lip.

After he threw it, he reached out without thought and freed her lip. “Careful, darlin’, you don’t want to hurt yourself.”

Another big smile.

Damn. He wasn’t looking for a hookup tonight. He’d just come here for a drink and to decompress.

But, hey, he wasn’t going to turn her away.

“All right, I’ll try.” She retrieved the dart. Another throw. Again, it hit the wall and fell to the floor.

“Well, hell. This is way harder than it looks.” She bounced her way over to the dart on the floor again.

And, yeah, he looked at her ass again.

It would be hard not to. Round and pert and when she bent over. . . okay, now he was feeling like a dick. He raised his gaze back up, looking over to see his brother, Raid, watching in amusement from where he sat at the bar.


“Here. Can you show me again? Please?”

She smelled so good.


He needed to clear his head a bit. But with the way she was looking at him . . . yeah, he was pretty sure that she liked what she saw.

Well, who could blame her?

As the youngest Malone brother, he really had gotten all the good looks, charm, and intelligence.

Moving in behind her, he held her hand, his other hand on her hip to keep her in place. She tensed and he immediately stepped back.

“Everything okay, darlin’?” Shit. Had he overstepped? Scared her?

She took a deep breath, then shook it off. “All good. Sorry. Where were we?”

Hmm. Tanner wasn’t so sure that she was all good, but he moved in behind her when she smiled encouragingly back at him.

Then he helped guide her arm back. Fuck, her ass felt so good against him.

Don’t get hard.

Don’t be a dick.

As she let go, the dart flew and actually hit the dartboard this time.

“Yay!” she cried out, jumping up and hitting the top of her head against his chin.

Tanner let out a grunt of pain.

“Oh my God!” she cried, turning to stare up at him in shock. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to hurt you. Are you all right?”

He smiled. “All good.”

“You’re bleeding. Oh shit. Oh hell. I’m such a dumb klutz.” Tears filled her eyes.

Tanner frowned at her, not liking the way she just spoke about herself. “You are not dumb or a klutz.”