I choked on the sip of coffee I’d taken from the travel mug in my hand.
WOODY: Thanks for that, Gems. I need to go burn every thought from my brain now.
SASSYPANTS: Just go find McK. You won’t have any thoughts left then.
SASSYPANTS: I know we’re supposed to be all gentle with you because of the dick actor we don’t name, Gems, but you’re just jealous they’re getting some and you’re not.
GEM MINE: If you’re so comfortable talking about everyone’s sexual exploits, let’s talk about yours. When was the last time you got laid, Sadie? Spill the beans.
I shoved the phone in my pocket, unable to read any more. I couldn’t think of my sisters in that way without wanting to kill the men in their lives.
When I looked up, Gia’s lips were twitching.
“Your family?”
“Sadie doesn’t respect anyone’s boundaries.”
“But you love them,” Gia said softly. And for a brief moment, I thought I saw something close to wistfulness cross her face.
“You’re not close to your family?” I asked, frowning, thinking of her ex-Secret Service agent brother and his gruff exterior. He hadn’t seemed overly friendly, but then again, I hadn’t been friendly either after he’d led Maddox in a high-speed chase.
“We’re close. We love each other and harass each other in the appropriate sibling fashion, but it’s not a constant in-your-face kind of thing like you’ve got going on with yours. Holden and I are lucky if we remember to check in with each other once a month.”
I thought about what that must be like. To have family, but not. I couldn’t imagine going more than a day without hearing from mine. Life would feel…empty. I craved the solitude of my home at the end of the weekends or holidays spent hip-to-hip with my family, but it never lasted long. If it did, I was usually the one seeking them out.
I tilted my head, taking in Addy with her gaze stuck to the window. Who would she have to run to when her loneliness got to be too much? She deserved an entire gaggle of siblings and cousins to keep her company. But I couldn’t imagine giving her a brother or sister. The cousins would have to do.
I glanced at Gia. She’d said last night that she didn’t want kids and then countered it confusingly. I wondered what she’d look like with a round belly pushing against the steering wheel. What it would be like to place my hands on her stomach and feel a baby kicking inside it. Wondered what it would feel like to experience all the things about having a baby I’d lost out on with Addy.
But then I pushed those traitorous thoughts away.
Because even if I opened myself up again to a relationship—and just the idea of it made me nauseated—it certainly wouldn’t be with a woman who was going to skip town in a few days. So, if Gia ever did get pregnant, it sure as hell wouldn’t be mine.
Chapter Fourteen
Performed by Carrie Underwood
I pulled into the parking lot of the mall and, out of habit, backed into a slot near the rear so I’d be ready for a quick exit if I needed it. I was surprised at how busy the place was before realizing not only was it Saturday, but it was a rainy weekend sure to keep everyone indoors. People scurried from their cars to the large glass doors, holding umbrellas over their kids’ heads.
I didn’t have an umbrella. I didn’t have anything that was needed to take care of a child.
“Okay, ready to make a run for it?” I asked.
Ryder grunted out a response, jumping out, shoving his hat on his head, and opening the back door for Addy.
I started to open my door but then noticed the little girl hadn’t removed her seat belt yet, and, if possible, she looked even stiffer than she ever had.
Raindrops landed on Ryder’s black hat as he peered in at her, confusion in his eyes.
“Addy?” he asked.
She sat there, staring straight ahead, not looking at him.