The stormy seas were beautiful, like she’d said, especially with the clouds seeming to blur into the waves. But that beauty could turn deadly in a second. I knew it for a fact, because I lived on the sea for a good portion of my daily life.
She tucked her arm through mine. “I’ll keep you safe.”
And then it was my turn to laugh. This little tiny thing next to me, offering to keep me safe. As if she really did have her own superpowers. As if she was Cat Woman, or Black Widow, or that damned Glasswing she idolized and could deliver me from a fall, unscathed.
Except, I’d already fallen. Hard. For her. For my wife.
I kissed her again. Not regretting it. After all, she’d kissed me. She’d broken the contract as much as I had now. There was no need to go back. I wrapped her in my arms and pulled her so her legs were over my lap. So our bodies were as close as our lips. So I could touch her everywhere I was longing to touch her as we swayed, captured in the air.
A flash of light hit my closed eyes, followed by a boom of thunder, and then rain poured from the heavens onto us. I opened my eyes, pulling my lips from hers as the ride rocked to a stop with us at the very top.
“Holy shit,” I said, but when I looked at her, she had her face turned up to the sky and was letting the water wash over her. It turned her hair a deep brown instead of the pale, creamy strands it normally was. The water rolled down her cheeks, caressing them, and I followed the path with my hand, touching her warm skin, touching her neck, and following the drops until it soaked into her white tank top. Her tank top that was now not only drenched, but also very see-through when wet. It was showing her breasts and her nipples in a way that reawakened body parts that had never fully gone to sleep since the first kiss by the stage.
My hand trailed over the tip of a nipple, and she shivered, face turning toward mine. Her eyes were no longer pale blue; they were much darker?stormy like the sky. I flicked my finger over the pebbled peak, and a small whimper escaped her parted lips.
It made me forget everything. The sound of the storm. The rain. The danger. It made me only aware of one thing. Her. I took her lips again, unable to prevent the savage-like need that took over as I kissed her with all the passion and built-up desire I’d had for her since the very first time I’d ever met her spouting superheroines at me.
The ride creaked and groaned, and our chair moved toward the ground, but I couldn’t stop kissing her. I couldn’t stop my hands from touching the breasts that were tight buds against my onslaught. My hand found her skin at her waist where the shirt and her shorts met, and it journeyed up the inside until I could touch the curves and nipples with no barrier between us. Skin to skin.
But as the chair rocked again, and I felt gravity pulling us toward the earth, my brain snapped back to where we were and that we were going to get off the ride where she was going to be showing her body and curves to the entire town. I didn’t want that. I didn’t want anyone to see her, not only because my entire body burned with jealousy at the thought, but also because I didn’t want any of the locals to hold this against her like they held everything else.
I dragged myself away from her lips, tugged off my wet T-shirt, and pulled the dark-blue material from my body before sliding it over her head.
“What are you doing?” Her words were mumbled beneath my shirt, and she fought against it for a moment.
“Your tank top. It’s completely see-through,” I said as her face emerged from the neck, and I helped slide her arms into the sleeves.
“Oh,” she said, cheeks flushing as she looked down, but all she could see was my Coast Guard T-shirt. “But now you have no shirt.”
“Better me naked than you,” I said with a shrug.
The car stopped, and the bar sprung open as the ride attendant hit the unlock button. I pulled her from the seat, and we jogged through the stalls and the streets which had emptied as quickly as the downpour had hit us. Who knew how long it would last? It could be only a few moments, or it could be the rest of the day. I hadn’t looked at the weather. I hadn’t even known the storm was coming.
But maybe I should have.
“Never thought it could be this good,
You made love to me, the way it ought to be.”
Performed by Bryan Adams
Written by Bryan Adams
We ran down the streets of New London with the rain still pouring down on us. Travis’s gorgeously lined back and abs were in front of me, hugging the giant sloth he’d won for Violet. The water was streaming down his bare skin, accenting it in a way you never saw in real life. That made the entire day and event feel movie-like. Unreal.
My body was still screaming from his touch. The scent of him wafted up from the wet T-shirt he’d pulled over my body. He was protective and thoughtful. Neither the air nor the rain was cold, and yet, my body shivered. From the thought of his touch and his lips. I was unused to the sensations that were flooding my nerve endings.
My only experience with sex had been with Skip, and that had been high school desire. High school ineptness, on both our parts. We hadn’t known what would please each other. We’d only known what would please ourselves.
I wasn’t any more experienced now than I was then, but I was a lot more well-read. I’d studied human bodies and sexuality in college. I’d read romance books Mandy had flung at me, and I thought I had a better idea of what it meant for two adults to please each other.
That’s where my brain was at as we ran down the streets toward Travis’s house.
The house that was empty. Violet was working at the bookstore and then going to Jada’s for the night. Dawson was working two jobs and would be out until the wee hours of the morning. We’d have the house to ourselves. We’d have it that way for hours.