“This is too much money. I can’t take this.”
“Take your family out!” I yelled back, tightening the coat around me. I'd forgotten just how cold it was during the winter. “Enjoy it!”
I waved goodbye and walked up to the door, closing my eyes once in front of it. Everything was so…perfect. I shuddered at the thought of how monotonous their lives probably were.
Nope. That won't be me.
Right when I was about to knock, the door flew open and my breath caught in my throat. Nathan was standing there, his white shirt stained with several colors of paint, his brown hair a mess, and his gray-blue eyes staring at me in shock.
He looked…different than I remembered. It was obvious the past three years hadn't passed in vain, but I could see the essence of him was still there. A smile crept across his face, the smile I remember he gave me the time we spoke before I left.
“Where is Carter?” Were the first words he said, his deep voice resonating in my ears. He ran his colored hands through his hair, leaving streaks of yellow paint in it.
Finally, I returned his smile and jumped into his arms, hugging the one friend I’d had all those years ago; the friend that despite being married to my sister, had always been patient and listened to me without judging.
His arms wrapped around me, his chest shaking with laughter.
Maybe life here wouldn't be so sucky after all.