For the second time in less than twelve hours, I retold Derek’s story. It was all draining, but I hoped that knowing a little bit more about him would help her understand what my thought process had been like.
“Oh, Nathan is going to be mad that he didn’t know anything about Derek wanting to hurt you,” she said, running her hands over her face.
“I didn’t even really get a chance to tell him,” I sighed. “There was nothing I could tell him. Derek didn’t get a chance to explain because…well…this happened.” Deborah squeezed my hand in a comforting manner. She understood. Taking a deep breath, I continued. “But Damian thinks he can get him out today. That’s good, right?”
Frank, who we hadn’t noticed was leaning against the wall, spoke up then. “He’s just called.”
I inhaled deeply without letting go of Deb’s hand. We were each other’s support in that moment as he told us the judge reached a decision.
I leaned my head against the wall, closing my eyes. Despite the lack of sleep, I wasn’t tired. I wouldn’t ever be able to sleep again if I wasn’t out there with Evelyn.
As much as I missed her, though, I couldn’t hide my anger after learning she hid Derek’s intentions from me. Why the hell didn’t she tell me? Even if she believed what Derek said, nothing guaranteed he was being honest.
I couldn’t help but think back to the little moments we shared, the moments I never realized I’d remember. In that precise moment, those first nights we spent together after I arrived in New York were the one thing on my mind.
“I can’t sleep.”
I shifted on the bed only to find Evie lying on her side and staring back at me. She almost seemed ashamed that she’d woken me up. I cupped her cheek, her eyes fluttering closed with the contact. It always soothed her when I did that.
“Am I enough for you, Nathan?”
The question caught me off guard. Sometimes she needed reassuring, but she was usually a confident woman.
“Why are you asking me this?”
“I don’t know…I’m a mess sometimes. I don’t know what I want. I frustrate myself. It’s only natural that I frustrate others,” she whispered.
Evie didn’t hesitate to answer. Regardless of the emotion, she felt everything tenfold, and now she felt uncertain.
“You’re more than enough for me,” I reassured her, placing a kiss on her forehead.
“Show me.”
I studied her but didn’t ask why she felt that way. I knew the things that her mom and sister had said to her still affected her. She never bad mouthed her mother, rarely spoke about Hannah, and yet it was a weight she still carried on her shoulders.
She kissed me, her lips parting immediately to let me in.
Maybe those doubts would never go away, but I’d spend the rest of my life trying to erase them.
“You finally sleeping?”
I opened my eyes only to find Damian looking at me with a raised eyebrow. “We’ve gotten the surveillance video in which you are seen getting in to the vehicle with Thomas Lanthorn, confirming both your versions.” My closed fists opened as I began to feel some sense of relief. “Now, they’re not clearing you as a suspect just yet, but they are letting you free at least for now.”
I can breathe again.
“With the ties you have to your business, your fiancé, and your family, the judge feels like there’s no way you’ll run, is there?”
“Fuck no, I’m not running.” I chuckled.
“You will cooperate?”
“I will.”
“They’ve set a court date, but I’ll give you that information once we’re out of here. You have your friends already waiting for you, and Evelyn and your parents should be here in a bit.”