I shouldn’t have.

I should have never tried to leave that night.

Two officers stood behind the door with paperwork in their hands. They held up their badges, showing the severity of the situation. I stared dumbfounded at them. What else was I to do?

“What is it?” Evie called back. I heard her footsteps as she approached and her startled gasp.

“Stay there,” I said, turning to her briefly but taking those few seconds to remember each one of her features. “May I help you?” I asked the officers.

One of them looked past me, gaze falling on Evelyn, who stood behind me, her hands on my shoulders. “Are you Nathan Maxwell?”

I swallowed. “Yes.”

“We have a search warrant for your place of residence and vehicle. We’re going to need you to step aside.”

“Why?” Evelyn shrieked behind me. Her voice trembled. The officers ignored the question, answering it with the following statement.

“And we have a warrant for your arrest for the attempted murder of Derek Hensley.”

Chapter 32


You’re under arrest for the attempted murder of Derek Hensley.

The words echoed in my head, my brain not really processing the fucking insanity leaving the officer’s lips. What the fuck was he talking about?

“I haven’t done shit,” I finally hissed when they reached out to touch me. One of them had already stormed past Evie and me with a hand on his weapon.

Evie clung to me. “You can’t take him. He’s done nothing,” she said, her voice breaking.

“Sir, it is in your best interest to cooperate—”

It was the man that had spoken to Evelyn at the gallery. He probably recognized her as his gaze softened when he saw her desperate state.

“Fuck you,” I spat, not giving a damn.

I knew it was a terrible idea. I knew that the last thing I should have done was defy an officer, but I couldn’t think, not when they were accusing me of something I hadn’t done, not when Evelyn held on to my arm as if she’d never see me again.

“Nate, you can’t go,” I heard her say shakily. I turned to face her, all previous happiness gone. “Nate, tell them you didn’t do anything, please.”

I heard one of them, I didn’t know who it was, requesting back up, and immediately I grew anxious.

Think about Evelyn.

Think about your baby.

“Evie, call David. He’ll know who to call,” I said, taking hold of her arm. She was already shaking her head, crying. “Baby, please, please.”

The officer that had gone inside walked up behind her, taking hold of her arm as he tried to pull her away.

I raged.

“Don’t you fucking touch her!” I wrapped my arm around her, protecting her.

“Neither of you are cooperating—”

“She’s pregnant,” I stated. “I’ll go, but don’t you ever fucking touch her.”