It wasn’t true, though. I could tell by the way it affected her to talk about it. I’d hurt her deeply. Jealousy was turning me into a man I didn’t want to be, and for the first time, I had to admit that Derek had been right.

I was a dick.

He’d probably seen her excited face and was caught off guard when he saw me at a bar when my girlfriend wanted nothing but to be together that day.

“We should get going,” she said quietly. “Your parents are going to be waiting.”

Neither of us made any attempt for conversation on our way to my parents, and by the time we arrived, Evie had put on a smile as if nothing had ever happened.

Carter was already there, helping my dad grill while my mom set up a table next to the shade of trees. We’d be eating next to the lake, something I knew Evie would appreciate. I placed the chairs around the table, not missing the way my mom eyed me with caution.

“How did the appointment go?” she asked.

“It went well,” I replied, watching as Evie pulled off her shorts. It didn’t matter that she was pregnant; in fact, she looked sexier and more beautiful than ever.

“She’s oddly quiet,” my mom pointed out. “Usually, she’s here with us, making conversation with your dad and me…or she’s with you. Is everything okay?”

My dad and Carter turned their attention to me as they awaited my answer. I glanced back at Evie, who was already in the water, lying back and floating around the water with her eyes closed.

“Rough patch,” I replied, not wanting to elaborate.

Carter raised an eyebrow. Evie was like a daughter to him; knowing that she’d been sad was not something he ever wanted to hear.

“Are you two going to be okay?” he asked me, not bothering to hide his concern.

“I hope so.”

I sighed, conflicted. In my life, I didn’t think I had ever felt so regretful or confused. I felt drained.

“We can handle this,” my dad said with a smile. “Go be with her.”

Grateful, I rushed over to the lake, removing my shirt as soon as I was there. Evie opened her eyes; her gaze flew to my parents.

“Did your parents say something about my bikini?” she asked, furrowing her eyebrows. A small pout formed on her lips, one that I traced with my thumb.

I didn’t reply and took her lips in mine, claiming them in a kiss I hoped would show her how much I loved her.

Chapter 28


Nathan didn’t seem to care that his parents and Carter were watching. He wrapped his arms around my waist as I wrapped my legs around his while we were in the lake. I buried my face in his neck, letting myself surrender to his embrace, an embrace that I had missed so much for the past weeks. I closed my eyes, memorizing his heartbeat, the pattern of his breathing.

Memorizing him.

Memorizing the moment.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered quietly, placing a kiss on the top of my head. “I’ve been a complete ass to you.”

Please hormones, don’t take over.

I knew myself enough to be sure that if I opened my mouth, I would start crying. Everything made me emotional lately.

“Baby, answer me,” he pleaded. “Look at me.”

I didn’t want to, but he gripped my chin, forcing me to meet his gray eyes. He didn’t hide his regret.

“There’s nothing in the world more important to me than you and our baby. I’ve been going insane, thinking about whatever is going on between you and Derek, and it’s worse than being on fucking drugs.”